Ford Creates A Cot That Simulates A Moving Car To Help Babies Sleep!

Ford Creates A Cot That Simulates A Moving Car To Help Babies Sleep!
The first thing people warn you about parenthood is the lack of sleep. And you laugh and think to yourself ‘how bad can it really be?’ Then you have your own kids and you go ‘yep, I will never sleep ever again!’
Bringing your babies home is tough. Nothing can prepare you for the utter exhaustion you feel as you try to put your little ones to sleep. You suddenly become obsessed with finding the ‘trick’ that will not only make them fall asleep but will keep them asleep through the night!
Driving your newborn around in the car is a technique I can safely say has been used by all parents during some stage of sleep deprivation. I mean we will do nearly ANYTHING to watch those adorable eye lids gently close.
Except the sucky thing about driving your baby around is that you have to be fully alert and awake as you drive. So you can imagine our excitement when we discovered Ford Motors in Spain had come up with a genius prototype for a cot that simulates a moving car!!
The Max Motor Dreams is a cot that mimics the sound, movement and light of a car to lull a baby to sleep.
“After many years of talking to mums and dads, we know that parents of newborns are often desperate for just one good night’s sleep. But while a quick drive in the family car can work wonders in getting baby off to sleep, the poor old parents still have to be awake and alert at the wheel,” designer Alejandro López Bravo said in a statement.
The Max Motor Dreams comes to life using a smartphone app which enables it to record and then reproduce the comforting movement, lights and sounds of a particular journey.
For now, the Max Motor Dreams is a one-off pilot. But following numerous enquiries, the company is considering putting the unique cot into full‑scale production.
Yes please! Just take our money already!!
Would you buy a Max Motor Dreams cot for your baby?
Photos: Ford