France Bans Child Beauty Contests

Image credit: AgenceQMI
France Bans Child Beauty Pageants
A News Ltd article reports that France has banned beauty contests for girls under the age of 16. The proposal was passed in the senate and was backed by 196 MP’s and 146 were against the banning. It is now going to be adopted as law.
I for one am not a fan of kids being put in beauty contests, as I believe it makes them grow up too quickly. You are only a kid for a little time why not enjoy it, play and have fun without the interference of being an adult before your time. Well that is my belief.
Others think and believe that the contests are fine. They say that it builds confidence, helps children overcome shyness, allows the child to showcase talents in dancing/singing, you make friends with the other parents and children, parents that enter their children want their kids to dream bigger and think beyond their own backyard. Some of the prizes can be money, scholarships for education and can assist in raising funds for charities. So not all bad really.
I am not interested in enrolling my twin girls, but if they later decide that they want to participate why I would not stop them, it would then be their decision. Some kids and adults that have entered, and won beauty contests have gone on to have great careers, and done very well for themselves.
Australia is also showing disapproval of child beauty contests. So it is not just France, the quote below was from a protest in front of parliament house on the 24th of May, 2011:
“Shadow Attorney-General Martin Pakula introduced himself as the father of a five-year-old girl. He acknowledged many worthwhile American innovations, but childhood beauty pageants were not one of them. He also rejected the claim that they were an innocent entertainment, branding them insidious. Children were not deciding for themselves whether to take part, but entered by their parents. Kids were growing up faster and faster, but there was plenty of time for them to decide about lipstick and the rest when they were grown up.” (, 25th May 2011)
In the News Ltd article it discussed a ten year old girl, Thylane Loubry Blondeau. She was photographed for French Vogue. The pictures shows a provocative image of the ten year old. She was dressed in tight clothes, high heels and very expensive jewellery. The image created outrage in France and worldwide, however Vogue has defended the image. According to Vogue, little girls like to dress like their mothers and it is just a fantasy. Nothing else. I do agree little girls like to copy their mothers and mine are the same. Lipstick and high heel wearing at home.
Blondeau’s mother who is Veronika Loubry, a designer and former actor created more interest when she commented on her blog about the Vogue image. She said her, “daughter isn’t naked: let’s not blow this thing out of proportion”. Well that is true, she was clothed, and it was just that she was made up to look older than she was.
What are your thoughts? Does your child participate in beauty contests? If so have you had some great experiences? Or were they negative? I for one would not do it so young, the girls when older can decide and then it is their choice.
Do you think France has the right idea and Australia should follow?
More about Suzanne Robinson:
I am a mother to five year old identical twin girls, who keep me very busy. On top of looking after the girls. I blog at “Mummy to Twins“, I’m also a social media manager. I attempt to keep the house clean and tidy, and I try to fit in some me time as well.