Just a Friendly Reminder to Always Double Check Your Facebook Birth Announcement Photo

Just a Friendly Reminder to Always Double Check Your Facebook Birth Announcement Photo
Have you ever posted something on social media without proofreading your text only to find a typo? It can be frustrating when people call you out on it, hey? But you can just edit your post and forget all about it within a couple of minutes. No harm done.
But what about your photos? Sometimes we forget to properly frame our photographs, resulting in unwanted rubbish bins, photobombing strangers and dogs taking a dump in the background of our treasured pictures. Thank heavens for Photoshop, that’s all I can say!
Regrettably, once that photo hits social media we are completely unable to edit or remove things in the background that might be best left in the moment.
This is exactly what happened in this unfortunate situation. Let’s see if any of our more astute readers can spot the issue with this Facebook birth announcement…
Oh dear. Oh no. No, no. That is not meant to happen.
This adorable photo of the newborn baby taken mere moments after its birth seems to have included a view of its mother at an unfortunate angle.
We can’t really see a reason as to why the baby wasn’t with their mother at this point, nor why a member of the birthing team (midwife, obstetrician or paediatrician?) was happily snapping pictures with the newborn and posting them on Facebook, but here we are.
The image was posted on Facebook page Bubs Warehouse International, where it has been met with thousands of comments from other parents.
“My confusion is why the nurse is busy taking photos with someone else’s kid while mum clearly isn’t finished the birthing process?” wrote one commenter.
“Perhaps it’s the first baby she has helped deliver?” considered another.
“Hahahahahaha this happened to me with my son – my mum did the picture of my son on the weighing table thingy all focused on him not realising and put it on Facebook without realising,” one mother wrote. “Yep, I was in the photo.”
“Omg this actually was my mum – she got camera happy in the delivery room! Beautiful newborn baby and completely forgetting my gina was out,” another mother wrote.
“Thankfully it didn’t make Facebook, it did get printed at the photographers though.”
So remember ladies, always vet your birth announcements before they hit social media!
This has been a Public Service Announcement.
Source: Facebook/Bubs Warehouse International