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Kevin Rudd backs same sex marriage

kevin rudd

 kevin rudd

Image source:  ABC News

Kevin Rudd has changed his stance on Gay marriage and has now come out in support of the right for same sex couples to marry.

As commented by ABC News ‘Mr Rudd’s newfound support puts him at odds with Prime Minister Julia Gillard‘.

He says he has reflected on the issue for a long period of time and had many conversations with family, friends and colleagues, recounting a recent one with a gay former staffer.

He has said in his blog:

‘Some will ask why I am saying all this now. For me, this issue has been a difficult personal journey, as I have read much, and talked now with many people, and of late for the first time in a long time I have had the time to do both. I have long resisted going with the growing tide of public opinion just for the sake of it. Those who know me well know that I have tried in good conscience to deal with the ethical fundamentals of the issue and reach an ethical conclusion. My opponents both within and beyond the Labor Party, will read all sorts of political significances into this. That’s a matter for them. There is no such thing as perfect timing to go public on issues such as this. 

For the record, I will not be taking any leadership role on this issue nationally. My core interest is to be clear-cut about the change in my position locally on this highly controversial issue before the next election, so that my constituents are fully aware of my position when they next visit the ballot box. That, I believe, is the right thing to do.’

Read his blog here 

No doubt this will make our resident mummy blogger very happy after her article a while back ~ Gay Marriage – where do you stand?