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Make Your Own Sparkling Wine With Fruity Lexia and a Soda Stream – Why Didn’t We Think of This Before??

goon wine in soda stream 3

Make Your Own Sparkling Wine With Fruity Lexia and a Soda Stream – Why Didn’t We Think of This Before??

In the most exciting news we’ve seen all day, it has been discovered that you can make your own bubbly by spritzing your cheap wine in a Soda Stream. And what exactly have we be doing with our brains all this time for not already thinking of this?

This latest thrilling development comes from an anonymous Australian Reddit user known only as Mashed Shroom. Their beautifully written post on the site’s sub Straya barely manages to hide their unfettered glee at their exciting discovery.

“Any of you legends ever put the goon in the soda stream? Fuckin turned out alright hey. Def recommended.” they eloquently share. “Fuckin worth havin a go at.”

The delighted innovator posted a series of images that featured Australia’s favourite goon, Stanley’s Fruity Lexia, perched on a washing machine alongside a very full Soda Stream bottle and some unrelated leftovers in a zip lock bag.

We are then given step-by-step instructions on how to press the button on the top of the Soda Stream in order to obtain the desired level of carbonated goon.

Looking good!

“You gotta be a bit cagey with the CO2 pumps to prevent explosion,” Mashed Shroom added helpfully. “The number one problem with the legendary goon-sack is it cannot handle the pressure of a carbonated beverage.”

Perhaps the most Australian thing of all — yes, even after the whole washing machine pose, the standard-issue tea towel and the carbonation of Fruity Lexia — is the size of this human’s pour.

Did they opt for a larger than usual wine glass?

Did they what!

Check out this bad boy!

Someone nominate Mashed Shroom for Australian of the Year 2021. This is life-changing stuff.


Source: Reddit/Straya

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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