Man Warns Others After Getting His Privates Stuck In An IKEA Chair!

Man Warns Others After Getting His Privates Stuck In An IKEA Chair!
I’ve always thought the most dangerous part about shopping at IKEA is the inability to leave without buying a packet of scented candles or straws! Either that or getting lost in the store only to discover you’ve now been in there for 20 years!
Incorrect! Those scenarios are not nearly as dangerous as one of those plastic IKEA stools with the holes in it. Which incidentally, I’ve always assumed were to stick your fingers in to help you carry them easier.
One man discovered that these seemingly innocent pieces of plastic actually posed a bigger health risk than he ever imagined. When Claus Jorstad was recovering from a knee injury, he bought the iconic Marius Stool from IKEA to sit on while he showered.
Sounds like a great idea yeah? Umm, no.
During a particularly hot shower, those plastic holes expanded with the steam and managed to trap Claus’ testicles. Yes!! His testicles!
‘Sitting there and noticing the accident, I bent down to see what happened, I realised the little nutter has got stuck,’ Claus said.
Not panicking, Claus then sat under the shower for a very long time until the water ran cold…freezing cold! The drop in temperature saw some shrinkage occur and his balls were free! Youch!
Doing the right thing, Claus took to his Facebook page to warn others of the dangers of sitting naked on the IKEA stool.
The post garnered quite a few hilarious responses including – ‘IKEA should rename this to Nütstuk stool,’ and ‘Bro I’d sue their balls off!!’
IKEA even responded by saying, ‘Hey Claus. We recommend that you take the stool out of the shower… or that you sit on it with the right uniform on and in the right setting. If you choose to keep it in the shower, make sure you are well dressed for your next sea excursion.’
Latest news is Claus now uses the stool as a flower pot holder. And no, he didn’t sue the store or ask for a refund in fact he’s gone and bought it in yellow as well.
So there you go!