Mum Delivers Her Baby Standing Up In The Bathroom And Shares A Photo Straight After!

Mum Delivers Her Baby Standing Up In The Bathroom And Shares A Photo Straight After!
As far as post-birth photos go this one definitely takes the cake as one of the most remarkable we’ve ever seen!
A mum of two from Ohio in America shared a rather raw photo to her Facebook account moments after delivering her own baby boy – UNASSISTED – in her bathroom. Did I mention she did this unassisted? By herself! Oh, apart from her husband who was there to take photos!!
Marissa Heckel’s extraordinary pic shows her holding onto her newborn son, placenta at her feet and umbilical cord still attached!
If you’re thinking that perhaps Marissa didn’t have time to get to hospital then think again. This was all planned! The mum revealed that she wanted to have her child unassisted after having a “horrible experience” in hospital while in labour with her daughter.
“I decided to stay at home and deliver my son upon finding out I was pregnant,” Marissa shared on the post. “My husband was very supportive the entire time as he respected my body and my choice to be in a stress-free environment. I simply do not like anyone trying to tell me what is best for me or my baby.
Finances were not the issue in my case. Going unassisted was more of an opportunity for me to prove to others that God made our bodies to birth – that hospitals were never the norm.”
After a 36 hour labour, Marissa was true to her word and managed to deliver her son in the bathroom.
“I chose to endure the pain standing up against the wall. I just kept telling myself ‘the pain is only temporary’,” she wrote.
“In the early morning, I began transition. Not exactly sure how long it lasted but it seemed to be a few hours. When the contractions and the pressure came my husband was bedside holding my hand.”
“When I felt the urge to push I attempted to stay in bed but felt much too ‘unnatural’ for me,” she said. “I told my husband about my urge to push and asked for assistance to the toilet. I let my body do the pushing. I just sat on the toilet.”
Marissa’s husband voiced his concerns at this stage saying she should be careful in case the baby comes out and hits it’s head on the toilet bowl.
“I then told him to help me up and that I was going to deliver the shoulders standing up,” she wrote. “My husband looked at me like I was nuts but helped me anyway. I stood up, held onto the towel rack and let my body do one last push and he was finally out.
My husband stood there in shock taking all the pictures. I’ve never felt so powerful and accomplished in my entire life.”
The healthy baby boy was delivered at 9 pounds 8 oz, 22 inches long with a 36cm head. All we can say is WOW and congratulations!!
Photos: Facebook