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Mum Demands Free Private Swimming Lessons for Her Son in What Is the Most Entitled Text Exchange Ever

Mum Demands Free Private Swimming Lessons for Her Son in What Is the Most Entitled Text Exchange Ever

A part-time swimming teacher has taken to one of Reddit’s most treasured subs, Choosing Beggars, to reveal a text exchange that took place between herself and possibly the most demanding, self-entitled woman on the planet.

The Choosing Beggars subreddit is full of examples of people taking the expression “beggars can’t be choosers” and doing their best to disprove it entirely with their outrageous demands for free goods and services. A quick browse will completely destroy any hope that humanity is decent and kind, and the whole sub is highly entertaining — just remember to BYO popcorn.

Redditor pretent_its_witty uploaded the following text exchange which occurred after they were contacted about the free swimming lessons they sometimes provide for the children living in their apartment complex.

The demands of the mother left many people absolutely appalled that anyone would behave this way. Take a look for yourself:

Get on up outta here!

So just to recap:

  • she demanded free, one on one lessons at a convenient time for her
  • she instantly got angry when she didn’t receive a fast response
  • she threatened to throw her child –who can’t yet swim- into the pool in a poor attempt at getting her way
  • she demanded goggles because she didn’t have any
  • she insulted other innocent children, the other parents and the teacher
  • she wanted the swimming teacher to charge other parents for teaching their children and then give the money to her because she needs it more. Free money.

It’s really no wonder that her child has anxiety.

And this woman actually has the nerve to say that everyone is being selfish and unhelpful these days! She has the demeanour of a pissed off warthog and is generally being a fucking berk to strangers attempting to do her a favour!!

Some people, what are they on?


Source: Giphy and Reddit/Choosing Beggars

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!