Mum Horrified To Discover Sister-In-Law Forgot Her Baby On Park Bench To Chase After Dog

Mum Horrified To Discover Sister-In-Law Forgot Her Baby On Park Bench To Chase After Dog
Imagine the person you left in charge of your baby forgets them at the park for a few hours. Would you be pissed or would you understand?
This exact thing happened to a mum who discovered her sister-in-law had left her newborn baby alone on a park bench for two hours. Writing into REDDIT the woman said her SIL offered to look after the baby so they wouldn’t have to pay a babysitter. However, the SIL forgot the baby on a park bench after becoming distracted and chasing her dog that had run away
She didn’t realise the baby was missing until several hours later but thankfully when she went back to the park the baby was still there!
The mum is so furious at her SIL that she’s decided not to attend her upcoming wedding. Here’s what she wrote on REDDIT:
“Me and my sister-in-law have always been close, her and my brother met when they were 15 (I was 12) and I’m now 21,” she said.
“A few weeks ago, I got called into work and my sister-in-law said that I shouldn’t waste money on a babysitter when I could just let them take her for a bit (my husband was also at work).
I guess at some point she decided to take her and her dog for a walk. She says they were walking through the park and the leash slipped out of her hand, without thinking she put my daughter on a nearby bench (she was in a little carrier) and she ran after the dog. She didn’t catch even the dog, and it wasn’t until two hours later that she even realised that (my daughter) was missing.
images: Pixabay