Mum Responds To Parents Who Say Her Daughter’s Room Shows Signs Of Neglect!

Mum Responds To Parents Who Say Her Daughter’s Room Shows Signs Of Neglect!
A mum was subjected to an onslaught of negative comments after sharing a photo of her daughter’s room on the Kmart facebook page.
April wanted to share images of a feature wall in her daughter’s room which had been decorated with Kmart’s Confetti Decal Stickers.
Instead of people commenting on the stickers though they focused on her daughter’s bed which was simply a mattress on the floor- no bed frame or base.
Some users accused April of “neglect”, while others suggested she should be ashamed of herself for not buying her daughter a bed.
The mum defended the bed saying it was their decision to adopt a “Montessori-style” bedroom for their child. She went on to explain that floor beds are an integral part of a Montessori room as they provide ““freedom of movement, independence, and mobility.”
“Wow, a mum goes co-sleeping and wakes up to so many negative comments so I will answer them for the people who are unsure,” she wrote on the Kmart Mums page.
“Yes, the bed is flat on the ground BUT we are very minimalistic people and use this mattress throughout the day for alternative things. My child is one and uses a pikler triangle, balance board and climbing slide on these with its alternative use as a crash mat. We also use this as a roof for our cubby house and anything else our imagination can think to use it for. My child sleeps on this bed during the day only because, as I said earlier, we co-sleep. And for Karen in the front row with the pitch fork, my bed is a bed on a bed frame.”
She added: “Floor beds are extremely common around the world and just because in the Western world it isn’t the norm doesn’t mean it’s wrong. If you would like to call the department of child services on me for having a completely safe bed for my child tag me and I will give you my details because this is very clearly not a neglected child’s bedroom. Stop being mean because it literally isn’t affecting me at all, and you are making yourself look silly.”
Lucky for April, many mums came to her support saying there was nothing neglectful about her child’s room at all.
“How is this neglect?” said one. “What the hell? Karens, all right. You’ve done a great job.”
Added another: “You shouldn’t have to justify yourself to all the Karens out there. Haters are the bullies.”
While another added: “I don’t understand why people are hating and being judgmental. What the heck is wrong with you people?”