Mum Warns Others About Potentially Fatal Sepsis Signs To Look Out For After Son Cut His Hand

Mum Warns Others About Potentially Fatal Sepsis Signs To Look Out For After Son Cut His Hand
After her son fell over and injured his hand, this mum noticed a rather unusual detail on his arm that saw her rush him to the emergency room.
The mum shared her story on @tinyheartseducation where she outlined the details to the page’s 71 thousand followers. She says at first glance it didn’t look like anything much, but one unusual detail after the fall saw her rush him straight to the doctor.
In the post she revealed how after falling at the zoo and scraping his arm, her son almost had a life-threatening sepsis case. And the only indication was a “red line” on his arm.
“He took quite a bashing but once we got home I cleaned him up. I rang school on Farm school day to make sure he washed his hands after digging and I tried hard to ensure it was kept clean,” the mum wrote in the caption.
What followed was days of the wound appearing infected and gunky. “Yesterday on our way to the beach he showed me his hand,” the mum wrote. “I wasn’t happy as I noticed red tracking down his vein. I then checked his elbow – the same.”
She then took her son to an after hours GP “feeling a bit silly” but when the doctor saw the wound he “commended me on recognising it and getting down ASAP”.
Thank God she did, because it turned out that her son’s wound had *lymphangitis, developing into a case of blood poisoning, but “thankfully the antibiotics are working and he is well in himself”.
The mum said she had only known something might be wrong because it had happened to a friend’s and encouraged other parents to be aware.
“If you spot this red line running from a wound get your child seen straight away. Hopefully, my post might help someone the way my friend’s post from two years ago helped me,” she wrote.
Many thankful parents took to the comments section to thank the mum for sharing this crucial piece of advice.
“This is sensational. I had no idea about this thank you for sharing,” one person wrote, while another added: “Definitely should be shared. I had no idea and now I’m aware.”
(*Lymphangitis occurs when there is an inflammation in the lymphatic system, causing a red line to go from the wound to the nearest lymph gland. The condition can be mild if treated quickly, however, if untreated it can develop into sepsis or blood poisoning which can be fatal if not treated in time.)
Signs to look out for in your child include fast breathing, skin that is pale, blotchy or bluish, a rash and being sleepy or confused.
Images: Instagram