New Study Shows Grandparents’ Outdated Child Rearing Methods May Be Putting Babies In Danger!
New Study Shows Grandparents’ Outdated Child Rearing Methods May Be Putting Babies In Danger!
They say raising a baby takes a village and for any new parent who brings their baby home for the first time, receiving help and support of any kind is a very welcome offering!
In a day and age where more parents are having to work full time, grandparents are becoming primary caregivers in many households. And while grandparents only have the best interest of their grand babies at heart, a new study is saying that they could actually be causing harm to them as a result of outdated parenting methods.
Many things have changed since our parents raised us and while we turned out (relatively) okay, some of those practices are a definite no-no today! I remember being in the back seat of the car without a seatbelt and sliding from side to side whenever my dad took a sudden turn. Sunscreen was unheard of for children and we would spend hours at the beach without a hat or rashie. When it came to giving me solids as a baby, mum remembers doing so at just a few months old- and there was no list of which foods to introduce first- egg, peanut butter and chocolate cake were all a-ok!
We all agree grandparents mean well, but the researchers say that the older generation’s lack of knowledge about today’s best practices for childcare could mean that they inadvertently put their grandchildren in harm’s way. For example, putting a baby to sleep on their stomachs was much more common in our parent’s day whereas now with all the information regarding SIDS we know better. Same with using a car seat properly and up until which age a booster needs to be used.
While it can be hard from both ends, at the end of the day grandparents and parents both want the best for their babies and grand babies. Hospitals even offer refresher classes for grandparents who may need to be reminded how to safely bathe a baby, or wrap it or even change it’s nappy! For grandparent’s there’s nothing wrong with learning new ways of doing things and as a parent occasionally we may want to be a little tactful and kind when correcting our parents, which I know is easier said than done- especially when you’re a sleep deprived new mum dealing with a screaming baby, mastitis and a pile of laundry up to the ceiling!
Have you ever found yourself in a position where you had to correct your parents or inlaws? Likewise, as a grandparent have your kids given you a hard time about some of your methods?