Parents Are Warned Of Head Band Dangers Following Death Of 14 Week Old Baby

Parents Are Warned Of Head Band Dangers Following Death Of 14 Week Old Baby
A mother of a 14 week old baby who suffocated when her bow headband slipped down over her nose wants others to be aware of the danger they pose.
Leanne Wilson shared the incident on behalf of her devastated friend on Facebook as a warning to all parents of young babies. While it’s very common to put baby clips and headbands on little ones they should also come with a warning about choking and suffocation.
The post which has up until now been shared over 80,000 times read, “All new mums please be aware. Putting this warning out for all mums who have wee babies and use the big bow headbands on them.
“My friend has sadly just lost her 14 week old daughter whilst she thought she was sleeping in her carry cot after a long walk. When she came to check on her she had the bow headband down over her wee nose and mouth and wasn’t moving.. she had passed away. Post mortem revealed death due to suffocation asphyxiation. She wanted me to share for other new mums the danger some of these baby fashion accessories can have.”
The Glasgow woman described the devastation her friend felt after leaving her baby Holly asleep for less than 30 minutes while she had a shower. The baby looked to be asleep in her carry cot and the mum forgot to remove her bow headband.
Comments on the post have been supportive of the heartbroken mum and many were appreciative of the warning.
“Thank you for sharing and making other mums aware. These should be banned along with silly beaded dummy clips. As cute as they are, heath hazard. All thoughts and prayers are sent for Holly and her mum. RIP Angel xxxx”
Public Health Adviser Sheila Merrill, said that while items such as bands and clips may be fashionable and cute for little girls there is definitely a serious danger associated with them.
“Children can easily swallow, inhale or choke on items left in their reach as they naturally grasp anything and put it in their mouths. Once in their mouth they find it difficult to remove the item. Parents can prevent the risk of choking and suffocation by ensuring that small objects or items are kept out of reach of children under the age of three,” she said.
Photos: Facebook
There hs been a lot of warnings about this in Aust.
If you insisit on your child wearing one watch them carefully aand whatever you do don’t let them sleep with it on at all. I know one cuple who put one on a baby for special photos but removed it afterwards.