Please Enjoy All of These Terrible, Yet Hilarious, Design Fails That Are Guaranteed to Make You Laugh

Please Enjoy All of These Terrible, Yet Hilarious, Design Fails That Are Guaranteed to Make You Laugh
We can’t all be amazing designers, destined to bring joy to humanity with beautiful objects. And you know what? That’s fine. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say.
But just as there are millions of gorgeous pieces of design and engineering in the world, so are there millions of design fails at the other end of the spectrum. And they can be just as spectacular, if only for a different reason.
Here are a few of our favourites to brighten your day.
1. This Indian TV show used bathroom scrubbers as defibrillator paddles. Not so much as a fail but smart thinking, really.
2. Hate to be the captain of this yellow submarine

3. Colicky baby sleeps soundly until that ad kicks in

4. If we all had a big sign out the front it might be easier to find

5. This bath bomb turned the water a lovely inviting shade of pee

6. Graph maker doesn’t understand the use of colours

7. Ooh what a bargain!! Let’s buy two.

8. We thought this woman had wet herself at first.

9. Best of luck with that!

10. Butt plants!

11. This dress looks as though the owner had crawled out of a shallow grave

12. What a great idea! Hide all your cash in something that could be mistaken for actual firewood!

13. “You, sir, are a horse’s ass”

14. Every woman wants a skirt that makes her look like she’s severed a major artery in her groin

15. Form an orderly queue, ladies. Oyster manicures this way.

16. This one is mind-boggling. Maybe she stuck pieces of prosciutto under the rips intentionally for the photo? But… why tho?

17. This egg yolk separator makes me want to spew.

18. Creepy, but I could live with it.
19. Oh, no. No, no, no. Kill it with fire.

20. I hear these new apartment blocks have lovely views…

21. *general confusion*

22. This person came dressed as a bus today, and it looks as though they regret it.

23. This genuinely sent a shiver down my spine. What sort of person…

24. This is cute, ngl

25. This pigeon prolapsing a lightbulb is not as cute, however

26. They look well made but they are just, well, ugly.

27. Well if you have a toilet table, what would you expect people to sit on if not a giant turd?

28. And finally, Kentucky Fried Chicken themed platform crocs. Because of course.

Which one was your favourite?
Source: Bored Panda and Pleated Jeans
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