School Boys Track Their Creepy Male Teacher’s Inappropriate Behaviour Towards Girls on Their Discord

School Boys Track Their Creepy Male Teacher’s Inappropriate Behaviour Towards Girls on Their Discord
A group of pre-teen boys used their Discord chat group to document and track all the inappropriate behaviour their teacher made towards the female students in their class which ultimately led to crucial evidence in his dismissal.
The clever kids from Davisville Middle School, in Rhode Island in the US, began keeping records after they agreed that he was a “creep”.
The boys had enough of seeing the teacher leering at some of the girls, singling them out with pet nicknames, and encouraging them to dance for him. They saw him treating boys with an entirely different attitude — with contempt, and sometimes cruelty.
The teacher, who was also a coach and involved with extracurricular activities, had told the students that he’d put up with parents’ complaints for nearly 30 years and that there was nothing anyone could do to him.
This was all the encouragement the boys needed and they set up a “Pedo Database” on Discord, documenting what the teacher was saying and doing to the girls at the school.
“Post the [teacher’s] pedo moments and quotes here so we can get evidence,” one boy wrote.
“This is now the official chat that we will later use as evidence against [the teacher] about pedophilia in case anything does come up in the future and we do turn out to be right,” wrote another.
That’s impressive, I have to say.
Pre-teen boys aren’t known for their organisation skills, but damn, credit where credit is due. This is brilliant.
The students brought this issue to the attention of adults, but, just as the teacher had told them, nothing was ever done about it.
As the teacher’s behaviour continued over to the next school year, the boys enlisted new kids to keep notes on their database. All up, there were eight boys involved. Each and every one of them felt uncomfortable seeing the girls struggle with the teacher’s predatory behaviour
“I felt bad for [the girls] because sometimes it just seems like it was a humiliating thing,” one boy told local media. “He’d play a song and he’d make one of them get up and dance.”
“Sometimes they’d laugh. Sometimes they just kind of just sit there awkwardly,” the boy recalled. “Even the ones that said he was ‘creepy’ laughed because they were obviously not trying to tick him off or anything. So they’re just fake laughing, awkwardly laughing.”
During COVID, as they attended class online, they’d open the Discord channel on a split-screen and document the teacher’s comments in real time:
“You all love me so choose love.”
“You gotta stand up and dance now.”
“Everyone “in bathing suits tomorrow.”
Once they were back in class in person, the boys jotted down notes to add to the channel later: Flirting with one girl. Teasing another. Calling the girls “sweetheart” and “sunshine.” Asking one girl to take off her shoes and try wiggling her toes without moving her pinkies.
Then, in April 2022, the teacher was escorted out of the school and placed on leave. An investigation was launched into allegations that the teacher had stalked a pre-teen girl at the middle school while he was her coach, and had been inappropriate with other girls.
The boys submitted their “Pedo Database” as evidence for the inquiry. It is now in the hands of the authorities to investigate charges against the man.
The ‘spokesboy’, now 15, said that he wished the adults had taken the students’ complaints seriously and that ignoring the problem made things worse.
Damn, do we need more kids like these ones! Incredibly compassionate humans, each one of them.