Teacher Shares Hilarious Post After Finding a Cat in a Student’s Backpack

Teacher Shares Hilarious Post After Finding a Cat in a Student’s Backpack
Do you ever think you hear something but are pretty sure that it’s all in your head? Like when you swear you can hear a baby crying while you’re in the shower but all your kids are at school and you have no baby?
A group of teachers experienced this uncanny phenomenon, only it turned out to be exactly what they thought they were hearing.
While in a planning meeting, the teachers could hear a cat meowing nearby. Thinking it was coming from outside at first, they ignored it. When it persisted, they put it down to someone’s quirky ringtone. But then it became unmistakeably certain that the noises were coming from a very real, live cat somewhere within the building.
Beginning the hunt for the missing moggy, fourth-grade teacher Carey Geipel, from Virginia in the US, discovered the meows coming from a group of student’s backpacks.
“I lift a jacket and a backpack MOVES. I unzip the backpack and a cat’s head POPS out!” she writes in her hilarious social media post where she is pictured bravely gripping a very angry, very indignant cat.
Ms Geipel made a phone call home to the student’s mother, who came and safely picked up the cat.
“The phone call home went like this … ‘Hello, Student is safe but we have kind of a weird situation… your student brought a cat to school, on the bus, in her backpack.'”
The mum’s classic response: “SHUT UP!”
And the very best part… it’s not even their cat!
It’s their neighbor’s cat!
Kids, hey? What are they like?
Source: Facebook/Carey Geipel