Teacher Writes Beautiful Note To Young Student Who Was Ridiculed For Her Weight

Teacher Writes Beautiful Note To Young Student Who Was Ridiculed For Her Weight
The way we speak to our children is so crucial that we can’t underestimate the importance of using the correct language. Words have impact and many times the effect will stay with our kids forever. I still remember the feeling of shame and embarrassment when kids at school teased me for my acne covered face. Those feelings of not being good enough lingered for years and to this day I still feel insecure about my skin.
So imagine being a little girl and realising for the first time that your weight is seen as an issue. That those little numbers on a scale can provoke feelings of angst and insecurity.
A story about this very issue was shared on the Momstrosity Facebook page recently and it seems to have hit home with many of her followers who have praised the mum for sharing such a personal story. Here’s what the touching post by Eliza Morrill said:
Yesterday, some girls made fun of my daughter’s weight.
She is several inches taller and about 6 months older than most of her friends. They had a discussion about how much they weigh, and her number was the biggest.
This is the first time, but surely not the last time
she will worry or fret about her body.
This is the first time, but surely not the last time
she will equate her worth with a number on a scale.
I know this struggle too well.
I hate it.
I hate this roller coaster she is sure to be stuck on throughout her childhood, teen years, and probably into adulthood.
But, my daughter has a teacher who builds her students up- who thinks about them and loves them individually.
Yesterday, my daughter shared her hurt feelings with her teacher, and her teacher gave her this letter today.
She believed this letter, but she couldn’t believe my messages of support last night. Words are sometimes easier to believe when they don’t come from your mama’s mouth.
I have always found that educators are the kindest and most empathetic people on the planet, and this is the perfect example.
All teachers should be so caring,
and all students should be so lucky.