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Terrible Father Tried To Force His Daughter To Use Tampons on Her First Period

Terrible Father Tried To Force His Daughter To Use Tampons on Her First Period

A father has come under fire for refusing to purchase his young daughter sanitary pads when she started her period for the first time, instead demanding that she use his girlfriend’s tampons instead.

Obviously not caring enough about his child to even try and understand why his girlfriend’s tampons might not be appropriate for his ten-year-old daughter to use, the man took to Reddit to try and justify his actions.

Yes, sir. Yes, you are.

This inept father has screwed up big time.

Tampons can be intimidating for anyone. They can be difficult to insert and position comfortably even when you do know what you are doing, never mind that this poor girl is just ten years old and is obviously distressed.

She is so lucky that her dad’s girlfriend was there at the time, or who knows how this dad would have handled it. Perhaps he would have just thrown his girlfriend’s box of tampons at her and told her to figure it out for herself.

He should be grateful to his girlfriend for her help and not have questioned her judgement for even a second. He had no clue, why did he think he knew better than her, the one who actually menstruates?

Also, being a parent means that sometimes you have to go out in the middle of the night to buy important things. It might be inconvenient, but you still do it.

There would have been some obvious signs that his daughter was maturing and could begin menstruating at some point – why hadn’t either parent prepared her with both knowledge and period products prior to this event?

This terrible dad let his daughter down big time and she will never forget how he behaved when she had her first period. I wouldn’t be surprised if his girlfriend left him after this display of selfishness and apathy.

Unfortunately, this would likely leave this young girl with one less responsible adult in her life.


Source: Reddit/AITA

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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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