This Girl’s Halloween “Mum Costume” Is Absolute Perfection!

This Girl’s Halloween “Mum Costume” Is Absolute Perfection!
Last year when I took my kids trick or treating for Halloween, a man walking his dog commented on my mum costume – 3/4 jeans, tee, thongs and coffee mug (which may or may not have had a little sav blanc in it, who can tell) and I laughed at his observation and said thank you, not quite realising how accurate he was.
But that’s nothing compared to this girl’s efforts this Halloween!
Jillian Hartsock, the 13-year-old daughter of photographer Lindsay Hartsock, chose to dress up as an exhausted mum for Halloween, and her costume could not be more perfect!
Let’s tick off all the accurate elements, shall we?
✔ messy bun
✔ black leggings
✔ oversized grey cardigan
✔ dummy clipped to her bra
✔ black circles under her eyes, could be yesterday’s mascara but still 100% fitting either way
✔ spare disposable nappy tucked into her waistband
✔ spit cloth over her shoulder
✔ visible nursing pad
✔ Starbucks Venti coffee
✔ Target shopping bag containing nappies, baby wipes and three bottles of wine
✔ toddler attached to her leg
✔ Ugg boots
✔ baby vomit and/or coffee spilt down the front of her top
✔ generally dishevelled
✔ wriggling baby refusing to be put down
✔ chipped nail polish
My god she’s nailed it.
Mum Lindsay says that her daughter’s costume has given a lot of mums plenty of joy.
“So many mums are saying that it makes them feel normal and not alone to see other mums look and feel the same way sometimes. The funniest comments are the ones from mums saying that they don’t even have to dress up for Halloween because they look like this every day!”
Since she shared Jillian’s costume to her photography page on Facebook, Lindsay’s post has been liked over 47,000 times and shared over 77,000 times — along with over 10,000 comments from mums congratulating her for getting it so right.
Great work, Jillian!
Source: Facebook/The Hartsocks’ Photography