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This Woman’s Bizarre List of Rules for Husband Attending a Bachelor Party Is Pretty Bad, but Check out the Kicker at the End!

This Woman’s Bizarre List of Rules for Husband Attending a Bachelor Party Is Pretty Bad, but Check out the Kicker at the End!

A woman has issued a bizarre list of rules that she expects her husband to obey while attending a friend’s bachelor party, taking to Facebook to check if she’s missed anything.

Not only does her list of rules apply to her poor husband, but this woman expects all attendees of the bachelor party to comply, using her Christianity as an excuse to control the lot of them. This reminds us of the Las Vegas bachelorette party rules that went viral a month or so ago, although to be fair, at least those rules were to be followed by the writer of the list as well!

Shared to the Reddit sub Insane People Facebook, the screengrab captured the insanity in its entirety. The list is a crack up, but the edit at the end, omg!

The derisive comments came thick and fast once this screenie reached the front page, garnering tens of thousands of upvotes and a bucketload of comments.

“Can’t control him so I’m going to control him… perfect logic,” wrote one Redditor.

“That would make me exclude even my best friend from my bachelor party. I’m not following your shitty wife’s rules. I don’t even do what my wife wants me to do,” wrote another.

While a lot of the responses joked about how funny it was, the comments section also touched upon the cycle of abuse in controlling relationships, and how it was not okay.

“On a serious note, if your best friend is ever in a relationship like this, rescue him, because that’s coercive control and it’s a form of abuse, no-one deserves to live like that,” explained Redditor Auntie_B.

“That word ‘allowed’ bothers me. I’ve been married for 15 years and have never once felt ‘allowed’ or ‘not allowed’ to do anything. I see a lot of friends from my mid-late 20s who are ‘hubbies’ and who seek permission from their wives for everything. My theory is that some men go into a relationship looking for a mummy and others go into it looking for a partner in crime,” added a man known as gravitythrone.

Adam657 wrote: “This is domestic abuse. Tracking someone’s phone, isolating them from their friends and insane paranoia about associations with the opposite sex. Escalated further to just imprisoning them in the house altogether. It’s not something to laugh at if true. Consider the genders reversed.”

A sobering thought, indeed.

Source: Reddit/InsanePeopleFacebook

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

One comment

  1. What happened to trust and respect? Nobody wants to compromise either. If you have children you have to be sure you not both going out in different directions at the same time.

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