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This Three Year Old Created an Adorable New Year’s Tradition for Her Family

This Three Year Old Created an Adorable New Year’s Tradition for Her Family

The holiday season is all about spending time with family, enjoying long-held traditions that bring us all together and remind us of what’s important.

This family have discovered a new tradition of their very own after their three year old daughter misunderstood an element of a typical New Year’s Eve celebration.

Redditor littleasskicker explains:

“We told our 3yr old that New Years is special because you get to toast to a new year. A few hours later she said “ARE WE GONNA MAKE TOAST NOW?!” And thus a New Years Day tradition was born.”


Redditors fell in love with the little girl and her adorable confusion, praising the family for their actions in the post comments.

“The fact that 6 adults took time out of their night to make it happen, instead of correcting her, is heart warming.”

“This is so pure, look at how happy she is! Also why have I never thought of this?”

“I like to imagine that in the distant future, she’s at a friend’s house. It’s her first New Year’s Eve away from home. They watch the ball drop in New York, celebration ensues. Once the commotion dies down, she pipes up. “So! Where’s the toaster? I’ll make everyone their toast.” Followed by the realization that no one has any idea what she’s talking about.”

“I sent a link to this for my girlfriend. This is gonna be a thing when we start a family too, ok? :)”

The little girl’s story was a hit with fellow redditors, earning over 86,000 upvotes (or ‘Likes’) in the short time since it was posted.

What an adorable new tradition for their family. Happy New Year!


Image source: Reddit user “littleasskicker”

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!