Vegemite On Toast Gets The Hipster Treatment!

Vegemite On Toast Gets The Hipster Treatment!
There are some things in life that just ooze comfort. Hot chocolate and marshmallows. Pyjamas and Netflix and good old vegemite on toast…with lots of butter!
Now a cafe in New South Wales has just gone and destroyed any familiarity we may have had with our favourite Aussie breakfast.
The toast in question is a menu item at Core Espresso cafe in Newcastle, NSW and costs $7. That will get you two pieces of toast, not buttered, with a smear of vegemite and a ‘quenelle’ of butter on the side. All served on the obligatory hipster wooden board…cause plates are soooo 2017!
Newcastle local Huon Oliver shared a photo of the vegemite toast onto his Instagram account recently with this caption: “Gourmet vegemite on toast. This is just ridiculous! Tasty but ridiculous.”
Oliver’s photo was soon picked up by Brown Cardigan who shared it with their 348,000 followers. Suffice to say it was met with some very, very angry diners!
“This is not on. This upsets me,” one person commented. “Seriously??? Hahahaha by the time it gets to your table the toast will be cold … dry veg toast,” wrote another.
“The toast would be well cold by then, the butter wouldn’t melt. What a s**tfight,” another person said.
Manager of cafe Core Espresso, Emma Reid explained that the reason for this rather unorthodox serving method is to allow enough Vegemite for the customers.
“If someone orders toast and they want Vegemite, we want to make sure it is presentable and that there is enough Vegemite on there. We don’t skimp on Vegemite,” she said. “Even though they’re only ordering Vegemite on toast, we want our customers to know a little bit of care is being put into the dish. It’s nice to put a nice quenelle on the plate.”
That’s all fine and well but the real issue here is that by the time the toast gets to the table it will be stone cold. Which means the butter won’t spread well! Which in turn means a really crappy piece of Vegemite on toast.
“If the consensus is that butter needs to be on the toast as soon as it hits the table, we’re happy to change the dish,” Reid said. “We’re all about pleasing our customers so we are happy to make adjustments.”
Images: Instagram