Wife Left Furious After Discovering Her Lying Husband’s Devious Money-Making Scheme

Wife Left Furious After Discovering Her Lying Husband’s Devious Money-Making Scheme
An angry woman has taken to Reddit to seek support after discovering that her husband has been lying to her about a devious money-making scheme that he has been running at work.
Attempting to save money to purchase a property together, the couple decided that they would no longer buy lunches at work, a habit that was costing them over $300 each month for his meals alone.
In a twist that could only be described as a genius enterprising ploy, the husband had been secretly selling his wife’s delicious sandwiches to his colleagues in order to fund daily takeaway fast food lunches, even going so far as to ask for more than two per day as he was always hungry.
It all came to light when one of his work colleagues complained to the wife that her prices were too high.
Well! Had he not lied about it and taken advantage of his wife’s labour in making the yummy sangers, perhaps she might have been on board with making a little extra cash on the side to help their savings. But his casual indifference is utterly maddening! He didn’t even care to give his workmate a heads up not to mention the sandwiches to his wife, and took it a step further by blaming the high price tag on her! The nerve!
Commenters agreed.
“They could turn this into a profitable venture of sandwich making, enough for him to buy an inexpensive lunch and pocket extra money if he REALLY wanted to. He could even learn to make the sandwiches and sell more at a better price. Instead, he was intentionally shady about it. He can make his own lunch,” agreed one Redditor.
Another added: “If I was going out of my way to try and save money and do something nice, and found out I was being taken advantage of, I would stop doing the nice thing. This is such a small thing to do, but if he’s willing to go behind your back for this and lie, he probably will or does do it for bigger things. Don’t apologize to him, and don’t make food at all for him, but that’s me being petty.”
What do you think you’d do in this situation? Besides slapping him upside the head, of course!
Source: Reddit/AITA?