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Woman Buys a Trampoline So She Can Continue Snooping Over Her Neighbour’s Fences

Woman Buys a Trampoline So She Can Continue Snooping Over Her Neighbour’s Fences

In news that is both hilarious and bonkers in equal parts, a woman has gone out of her way to purchase a trampoline for her backyard for the express purpose of snooping over her neighbour’s fences as she bounces up and down.

I’m impressed and horrified all at once.

Sharing the bizarre suburban situation with fellow mums, a neighbour of the dedicated Mrs Mangle-type posted the scenario on UK-based forum Mumsnet.

Sorry, I just lost it “she must be hitting the 20ft mark at full jump height”, imagining this fun lady practising jumping higher and higher in her attempts to have a chat with her reluctant neighbours.

The mental image of this entire caper is nothing short of divine. The sheer madness of it all!

The OP, a woman named LazyJayne, returned to the thread to add that the woman meant no malice in her behaviour, she was just up for a chat.

“To clarify, we don’t dislike this woman,” she wrote. “We think she’s funny and bubbly and enjoy saying hello and having a quick chat in the FRONT garden. We just want to enjoy the back garden as a family.”

Responses ranged from utter delight to solid advice about having to use big girl words and give it to her straight.

“With persistent people like this, you need to be blunt. It’s the only way to get it across,” advised one mum.

“Hilarious, sorry not helpful but the thought of you and your neighbour in a bizarre fencing/jumping arms race is cracking me up. What next, stilts?” offered another.

“Hang on, she can jump twenty feet high?!” exclaimed another poster. “That must be one hell of a springy trampoline. Or she’s a secret member of the local circus.”

“This happens all the time,” joked someone else. “Neighbours building higher fences. Other neighbours getting trampolines. Then someone gets a tree house. Before you know, you’re taking flying lessons just to maintain that neighbourly spirit.”

I’ll give the last word this the commenter who penned this reply, as it sums it all up beautifully:

“Oh my god, I love her she’s a nutcase.”


Source: Mumsnet and Giphy

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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!