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Woman Considers Leaving Husband Due to His Disgustingly Toxic Public Habit

Woman Considers Leaving Husband Due to His Disgustingly Toxic Public Habit

Women tend to put up with a lot of nonsense from the men they marry but when it comes right down to it, when a line is crossed, it can be a point of no return for the relationship.

This is how one anonymous woman feels after revealing that her husband takes enormous delight in deliberately ripping the most disgusting farts while out in public, adding that he goes out of his way to eat the trigger foods that make them smell worse.

If that alone isn’t bad enough, well, I guess you’d better have a read for yourself…

What a terrible day to be literate.

As hilarious as this poor woman describes her husband’s “turd goo” issues, that is some seriously disgusting shit. Literally.

Reddit commenters did not let us down with their responses.

“You’re disgustingly eloquent. Really painted a picture there…” wrote one person.

“Tbh it’s baffling that OP is still washing his clothes after all of this,” penned another. “If he thinks that he’s being funny, then he can deal with his turd jelly on his own as well. Wouldn’t blame OP one bit for wanting to divorce her noxious husband either. Should have done it well before his farts started to chase people away.”

“Is this something new or has he always been this immature?” asked a concerned Redditor. “This is really bad for someone his age.”

The OP then explained: “He’s always been pretty immature but it’s only been this year that he’s been doing this.”

Yeah, I don’t know about you guys, but this is where I would hop off the crazy train and let it continue on its merry way to Turdtown with my soon-to-be ex-husband at the helm.

He clearly has zero respect for anyone else in his life, himself included. Throw the whole man away.


Source: Reddit/True Off My Chest iStock and Giphy

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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!