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Woman Goes Into Labour During Bar Exam, Gives Birth, Then Finishes the Exam

Woman Goes Into Labour During Bar Exam, Gives Birth, Then Finishes the Exam

Women are absolute badasses and we refuse to allow anyone to tell us any differently. A new mum has gone into labour while sitting for the bar exam to become a lawyer. Finishing part one of her exam during active labour, superwoman Brianna Hill gave birth that night before sitting the second part of her exam the next day.

Brianna, 28, from Chicago in the US, was taking part one of the two-part test last week when her water broke. She was taking the test remotely due to the COVID-19 restrictions and although she requested permission to go to the bathroom, she was unable to leave her computer.

“I started the second section and 15 to 20 minutes in, I started having contractions,” Hill said. “I had already asked for an accommodation to get up and go to the bathroom because I was 38 weeks pregnant and they said I’d get flagged for cheating. I couldn’t leave the view of the camera.”

“I was determined,” Hill added as to why she didn’t stop the exam after showing signs of labor. “Also, I’ve never been pregnant before, so I was [thinking], ‘I don’t know what this feels like.'”

Hill was in active labor when she finished the first day of the test. “Going into labor really put the bar exam into perspective and made my nerves go away really quickly,” she said. Hill was able to finish all of her essays before going to the hospital with her husband Cameron Andrew around 5:30pm. Less than five hours later, at 10:10 p.m., her bar exam baby was born —  a beautiful baby boy named Cassius Phillip Andrew, weighing 6 pounds, 5 ounces.

Meanwhile, the new mum was still scheduled to finish part two of the Bar the following day!

Thinking back to my birth experiences and I am struck by how little real-world knowledge I retained during those indescribably emotional days. How this amazing woman managed to complete the most difficult exam of her life while giving birth is downright astounding.

Hill said her midwife and hospital staff reserved a private room for her on the labour and delivery floor so she could complete the exam. They even put a “do not disturb” sign on the door, Hill said.

“There were all these professional women supporting me and my professional goals, even though I just became a mother and it was their job to support me in that,” Hill said of the medical staff.

“My biggest takeaway is that I have an incredible support system from my mum … I called my husband to tell him my water broke and he said, ‘OK, we’re going to figure out how you’re going to finish this test’ and all my law school friends texting saying, ‘You got this,'” Hill said.

“I’m really thankful,” she added. “Life throws curve balls at you but when I have a goal, I’m going to see it through.”

We get the feeling that she will make one hell of a lawyer! Congratulations, Brianna!


Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!