Woman Informed That She Was Manky for Not Wearing Panty Liners Every Day

Woman Informed That She Was Manky for Not Wearing Panty Liners Every Day
A woman has taken to a popular internet forum to ask if she was the only one who doesn’t wear panty liners every day after her friend called her “a manky minge” for not bothering.
This story might not appear to be the normal type of hard-hitting journalism that you’ve come to expect from us, but you knew that when you clicked, and here we are.
The woman, known only as her boardname as “Sammysees”, wrote a message to the Mumsnet forum Am I Being Unreasonable asking if everyone wore panty liners every day, because she didn’t see the point.
The thoughtful and wide-ranging responses to Sammysees’ poignant enquiry were swift and eye-opening.
“I don’t,” was the first reply.
“What?? Is she on any drugs??” was the second.
One of the major concerns was the environmental effects of constantly wearing panty liners day in day out: “Imagine how many she’s used and sent to landfill. And how much it’s cost her.”
Other women chimed in with thoughts about the psychological reasons for diligent panty liner use.
“God, I can’t imagine being so scared of my vagina I’d need to wear panty liners every day,” wrote a woman known as Haworthia.
Idontbelieveinthemoon added: “MIL does and thinks it’s repellent that by the end of the day a woman’s pants might smell as though they’ve been worn. I think it’s madness.”
“No – I just wash my underwear after I’ve worn it, like a … normal person,” said ThistleAmore.
While many women denied daily panty liner usage, it was generally accepted that all vaginas are different and some might be more moist than others.
“I wear them every day but my two sisters and close female friends don’t. They think I must have a dribbly foof if I have to wear them,” admitted LittleFrog99.
UpstartCrow agreed: “If I didn’t I would never be able to laugh or sneeze without consequences.”
So there you have it, ladies. Some women like to wear panty liners every day, while others see no need for it.
Thank you for going on this journey with me.
Source: Mumsnet