Woman Receives a Label Maker as a Gift and Hilariously Labels Things Throughout Her Home

Woman Receives a Label Maker as a Gift and Hilariously Labels Things Throughout Her Home
Have you ever wanted to buy a label maker purely for the express purpose of writing your name on everything you own? Or is it just me?
For some people (like me, obvs), the prospect of owning your very own label maker is a very exciting one. And one woman was clearly delighted when she was gifted one recently.
Joe Arroyo bought his sister Lita Martinez a label maker as a wedding gift. She was so happy with it that she took to labelling random things throughout her home with hilarious names. He shared the funny new names to Facebook, calling the gift a complete success.
“My wife and I got my sister a label maker as a wedding gift…then this happened.”
Joe explained why he knew that his sister would love this particular gift:
“Lita already had a running list of clever names for various things, collected from memes and what not, and would commission others to come up with some additional ones over the past few years. It’s always been kind of a running joke. We saw her post something with alternative names for spices and immediately knew what to get her as a wedding gift.”
Speaking of alternate names, did you ever see that one scene in Parks and Recreation where Tom rattles off his own hilarious list of names for food items?
Love it. We’re having Chicky Chicky Parm Parm for dinner tonight, using our food rakes. Maybe we’ll have some zerts afterwards.
Source: Facebook/Joe Arroyo and Youtube