Woman Sees Best Friend’s Husband At Hospital With A Pregnant Woman Who Isn’t His Wife!

Woman Sees Best Friend’s Husband At Hospital With A Pregnant Woman Who Isn’t His Wife!
A British woman has found herself facing a moral dilemma after seeing her best friend’s husband at a hospital appointment accompanying a pregnant woman who’s not his wife.
Taking to discussion forum Mumsnet, the pregnant woman herself said that while she was attending a prenatal appointment she saw her friend’s husband acting in a way with the pregnant woman which suggests the two were romantically involved.
‘She was visibly pregnant. By their actions they were definitely a couple,’ she said. “They were sitting in a far corner and it was only when I went to get a drink that I noticed them.”
Unsure of what to do with this information, the mum-to-be asked fellow mother users for advice on whether she should break the news to one of her oldest friends who ‘adores’ her husband.
Some advised her to speak to her friend as soon as possible while others said she needed to give the husband a chance to tell his wife first.
Adding she went unnoticed by the man and woman, she was left wondering what she should be doing about her friend, who had given her no indication that anything was wrong in her marriage.
‘She adores him. How do I tell her? What would you do ? I was shocked when I saw him and I regret not speaking to him now,’ she wrote.

Here’s what fellow users suggested the confused mum do with the information:
‘Yes you need to speak to her ASAP. Gently ask her if they have separated and tell her what you saw,’ one wrote.
‘You need to speak to him. Tell him he tells his wife or you will.’
‘You need to tell her but there is every chance she won’t believe you. He’ll probably lie through his teeth and say you were seeing things or it was someone else,’ one wrote.
In an updated post to REDDIT, the woman says she ended up telling her best friend about her husband and said that although she believed her she also started making excuses for him.

‘Thankfully she didn’t question my judgement. She believed me straight away but was thinking of excuses for him. I just listened really as I didn’t know what else to do. As far as she is concerned she is happy and he is,’ she wrote.
‘She thanked me for being honest, which if I am honest it made me cry. Wishing that the hospital had been on time and I might not have seen him. But I know she needs to know so maybe it was for the best.’
What a tricky situation! What would you have done if you saw your best friend’s husband with another woman- and a pregnant one at that?!
Images: Pixabay