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Woman’s Attempt to Shame Target over Vibrator Range Goes Hilariously Pear Shaped

Woman’s Attempt to Shame Target over Vibrator Range Goes Hilariously Pear Shaped

A woman has shared a strongly worded message of complaint on social media over an ‘inappropriate’ display of vibrators at her local Target.

Voicing her concerns that Target has lost all sense of decency towards parents, children and families, the woman’s rant has been shared on Twitter with much joy and hilarity.

We will be forever beholden to citizens of the internet who screengrab such nuggets of pure gold for the mockery of the masses.

“BOTH holes,” the caption of the Twitter post hilariously read. Bless her heart.

As is to be expected, people had a lot to say.

Some agreed that placing these products front and centre in a family store like Target isn’t good form. Others, however, saw it differently.

“$30 is a STEAL of a deal!!” one person wrote.

“I’m going to Target and buying one tomorrow,” added another bargain shopper.

“That thing is amazing,” a fan of the product commented.

“That’s just $15 a hole!” happily contributed another.

Children wouldn’t know what these products would be for if faced with them in the personal aisle of their local supermarket anyway. Besides, they aren’t out there in a huge display at the end of the aisle near the checkouts. They are discreetly tucked away with those other ‘inappropriate’ products like condoms and lube. Which may or may not be right next to Misty’s favourite range of vitamins.

And what kid shops for vitamins anyway?

While this photo was taken in the US, there is no word that our local Targets will be stocking a discount range of vibrators any time soon. And that is the real shame, here.


Source: Twitter/Orville Shrek


Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!