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You Can Name a Litter Box After Your Ex and Watch Cats Do Their Business in It

You Can Name a Litter Box After Your Ex and Watch Cats Do Their Business in It

We have exciting news to share with our loyal readers just in time for Valentine’s Day! You can pay a few dollars to an American animal charity and they will write your ex’s name in a litter box and you can tune in to watch cats poop all over them!

This is precisely the sort of future I had dreamed of as a child. A future where people can create a better world for animals while also being petty towards former lovers. What a time to be alive.

The Animal Friends and Humane Society, in Hamilton, Ohio, USA, is asking for $5USD donations to buy new litter boxes for their cats.

For your five-dollar investment, the animal shelter will happily write your ex’s name on the box so you can watch it become defiled and soiled in a fun video shoot.

“Do you have a crappy ex?” a company statement reads. “Don’t spend this Valentine’s Day down in the dumps! Instead, cheer yourself up while making a difference for animals in need!”

The animal shelter is accepting donations from now until February 12, and on Valentine’s Day, will post a video on Facebook showcasing all of the names they receive in the litter boxes.

“There are so many people that deserve the litter box treatment AND I can justify my pettiness because it’s for a good cause!” wrote one delighted person on the shelter’s social media channels.

“This is amazing,” wrote another.

This story reminds us of that time a zoo in El Paso, Texas offered to name a cockroach after your ex before feeding it to one of their animals.

I could certainly think of a few names I’d like written in a poop box. Can you?



Source: Animal Friends Humane Society and Giphy

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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!