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Man Refuses to Allow His Wife to Call Their Baby ‘Outdated’ Family Name

Man Refuses to Allow His Wife to Call Their Baby ‘Outdated’ Family Name

One father has taken to Reddit to ask if they are the arsehole for laughing at his wife after her name choice for their soon-to-be baby. He’d originally agreed that since his wife was carrying the baby inside her for 9 months, that she would get to choose their child’s name. His wife started thinking of names and, with 2 weeks until the baby is born, she was more than excited to share her name choice with her partner. With a whole name reveal planned out, the wife was bursting with enthusiasm to share her choice with her spouse. But, after finding out the name choice, he laughed at her in her face and asked if she was serious.

After laying in bed one night, the wife, eyes wide open, burst out of bed with excitement and got what her husband thought was a gift for him. Handing him a box, beautifully decorated with ribbons and bows, and a smile from ear to ear, it was obviously something very special to her. Her husband asked continuously what was inside, but each time he asked, she would respond with an excited “Open it!” To his surprise, inside was a onsie for their baby, due in 2 weeks time. On the front was an embroidered name: “Bartholomew”.

Her husband had agreed that since she was carrying the baby inside of her for 9 months, that she would get to choose their child’s name, but he (in his words) trusted her to name his son something normal. His wife, still very excited said “Surprise! That’s going to be his name!” A name that’s very close to her heart, understanding that she would be naming her son after her grandfather, who she was very close with before he passed on.

Her husband saw the name, asked if she was serious, and after getting a “yes, I’m serious”, he laughed, to the point of tears. His wife got upset, also to the point of tears and snatched the box away. Now, she’s staying with her parents, everyone’s calling him the arsehole and he doesn’t want his child having an outdated name.

We all know so many people with passed down, heritage names that continue through the family for generations, so we’re not sure why this one is such a show stopper, but the situation and way it was handled by the husband certainly was! Although, perhaps they could have compromised with their sons middle name being Bartholomew, there’s now this awkward situation they have to get passed as a couple first. The father took to Reddit asking for nickname ideas, and we’re wondering, what are you favourite nicknames for older style names?

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