Mum Photographs Sleeping Twins Posing in Adorable and Elaborate Scenes

Mum Photographs Sleeping Twins Posing in Adorable and Elaborate Scenes
Little children are never more adorable than when they are sleeping. They look like little angels, don’t they? I would often stare at their beautiful little faces, wondering how I managed to create such sheer perfection. But then I’d hightail it outta there before I woke them up, or else they’d turn from peaceful cherubs to wailing banshees in 2.4 seconds flat!
Which makes this photographer’s artform all the more special!
Japanese photographer and mother of twins, Ayumi Omori is amazing. For the past year, she’s been designing fantastical dreamscapes around her sleeping children and then photographing them for her Instagram account.
She waits for her children to fall asleep and then, based on their natural sleeping poses, comes up with a dream idea and uses various fabrics to make it happen. The dreamscapes range from typical kid scenes like playing in the backyard, to run-ins with Muppets and other kid-friendly characters.
The results are amazing…

Source: Ayumi Omori’s Instagram