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CleverDIY Craft Projects for Kids Delivered to Your Door Review and Giveaway

CleverDIY Craft Projects for Kids Delivered to Your Door Review and Giveaway

If you have little people who love craft and immersing themselves in their own wonderful imagination, you’ll want to know more about Australia’s first DIY craft shop for kids that has launched this month – CleverDIY.

My youngest child Bubble, loves nothing more than getting creative (and it’s not unheard of for her to go through a whole roll of my sticky tape and an old tube of Christmas wrapping paper that she has found in the far reaches of one of the cupboards, before I’m even out of bed on the weekend, in her relentless quest to build and make things. Of course, I try to encourage her creativity, but I’ll be honest – when she has unwound half a roll of kitchen paper because she ‘needed’ the cardboard roll for one of her constructions, “well done darling,” isn’t the first words that spring to mind!

Fortunately we were recently given the opportunity to review some CleverDIY’s products – and between you, me and the gatepost, I know what I’ll be getting Bubble for Christmas this year – A subscription to CleverDIY.

Jewellery CleverDIY 1

Each project comes with everything you need to create your fabulous creations.

This jewellery project for example contained:

  • 3D Wooden Tree
  • Wooden Flower Desk Organiser
  • Wooden Bangle
  • Paint Tubs
  • Glue Tube
  • Paint Brush (Size 2 Round)
  • Triangular Fineliner
  • Glitter Shaker (Silver 9g)
  • Flower Bead Key Ring CleverKit™
  • Wooden Bead Bracelet
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Let’s not forget the messy mat! Fantastic idea for helping kids to keep all of the mess in one place!

Bubble enjoyed a little over 2 hours of crafting fun with this project – and I loved that she spent some quiet time outside away from the TV’s, and tablet screens, and engaged in some fun hand and eye-coordination activities (even if she didn’t realise it!)

She was so proud of her project that she took them to school on Monday to show her classmates for show and tell.

jewellery cleverDIY 2
No kitchen or toilet rolls were harmed in the making of this jewellery project!

The jewellery project, along with a Christmas project and a transport project are available to purchase from the CleverDIY store now, along with other fun craft items, such as paper, paint, glue, etc.

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But for those of you with die-hard art and craft lovers like my Bubble, CleverDIY offer a no lock-in contract subscription. Every month a new project will be sent to your child on the 1st of the month, containing everything they need to make, create and decorate their own DIY project to be proud of for just $24.90. Not only will you get your hands on the new release projects before everyone else, you’ll also enjoy FREE delivery. Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time, but seriously, why would you want to?

Bubble isn’t the only one who has enjoyed being a secret toy tester in the lead up to the CleverDIY launch. Mums Lounge toy testers Chelsea and Chloe (aged 5 and 7) had a great time playing with the projects in the studio. You can see exactly what they thought of the craft projects in the following video:


CleverDIY are giving Mums Lounge readers the chance to win 3 months worth of projects delivered to their door. There are 10 prizes up for grabs for 10 crafty kids!

To enter follow the instructions on the entry form below. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.