Don’t Let Travel Sickness Spoil Your Family Easter Getaway – PLUS WIN $500

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Can you believe Easter is just around the corner? You’ve planned the perfect family getaway to your favourite coastal town. All it takes is a short flight and two-hour drive to get there. You’ll go fishing, drive through the mountains and a few day trips to the beach… This should make you excited and relaxed, but for many parents the stress of travel sickness can almost be a deal-breaker.
Thanks to Sea-Band, as you take off in your plane, train, boat or automobile this Easter holiday, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that nausea, due to travel sickness, won’t be joining you.
Sea-Band have a special Family Pack of children and adult Sea-Bands for just $49.95 inc. GST (until 7/4/2015) to ease your worry this Easter holiday. The pack contains 2 x Adult Sea-Band packs and 2 x Child Sea-Band packs – just head to the iHealthSphere website to order and receive them in time to get on the road.
Sea-Bands are also available at your local pharmacy.
What Causes Travel Sickness?
Nausea is caused when balance messages from your inner ear are mismatched to the messages from your eyes. This confusion in your brain leads to travel sickness. So, your eyes may be telling you that you are sitting still in a car or plane but your body still senses that there is movement. The mismatch causes the nausea, dizziness, sweating and vomiting of travel sickness!
Children between the ages of 2-12 years are more susceptible than adults to this imbalance and the resulting motion sickness. That’s not ideal for long Easter holiday road trips!
Who Should Use Sea Band?
Clinical trials show that children suffer more than adults from nausea associated with motion sickness in everyday situations such as car and bus travel and more often if there are stronger stimuli. By the time you’re an adult, most of us have grown out of this but more than 30% of adults still do suffer!
So, at some time on your Easter holiday someone is going to feel the effects of motion and travel sickness.
Nausea is also common with anxiety, anaesthesia, migraines, medical conditions and their treatments. More information is on the website.
Why Sea-Band?
With Sea-Band technology, you can alleviate your child’s symptoms without harsh medicines or side-effects and it is easy to apply. Many people will notice an effect within 5 minutes, even if your child is already feeling nauseated.
Even the kids will be able to do it. Because they are comfortable to wear they can be worn continuously. Sea-Bands are washable and reusable, so you can use them whenever you travel.
The best thing? They have an unlimited shelf life and no need for special storage, so you can use them for years to come.
Sea-Band is so convenient, you can keep them in your medicine kit, glove-box, travel bag and handbag to use in any situation where nausea hits!
How does it work?
For four thousand years acupressure has been used to treat a range of ailments. For the past 40 years Western medicine has made huge advances in understanding how the benefits of acupuncture and acupressure work.
In Chinese Medicine, sickness is a result of an imbalance in the flow of protective and nourishing energy called ‘Chi’ through the body. Chi moves through your body through twelve channels, called meridians, beneath your skin. Along these meridians are thousands of acupoints where “chi’ is concentrated and is where energy can enter and exit the body. By applying pressure to these points, any blockages of the flow of chi can be re-balanced and reductions can be restored.
Applying pressure to the Nei-Kuan (“inner gate”) P6 pressure point on the wrist has been shown to ease nausea without the need for needles or medication.
Sea-Band’s knitted elasticated band with in-built pressure button is designed to apply continuous pressure to this point.
Simply wear a Sea-Band on each wrist to restore your chi.
Western medical experiments and clinical trials suggest that acupressure and related techniques activate a set of events that improve symptoms of nausea. These include the stimulation of micro-blood vessels in the immediate wrist area and the release of chemicals within the body that tell the central nervous system to dull the symptoms and remove the cause of the nausea i.e. the mismatched balance signals within the brain.
Top Tips for Preventing Travel Sickness
- As nausea is caused by balance messages becoming confused in your brain, try sitting at the front of the car, bus or train.
- Always face the front so you can see the direction of travel.
- Get fresh air! Open a window or stand on the boat’s deck.
- Take a walk in the isle of the plane.
- Avoid hunching over if you are sitting for long periods.
- Eat only simple foods prior to travel.
- Keep occupied by playing games but remember to take breaks to look out of the window. Sea-Band have a special Easter Holidays kids’ travel game. Download the game from the Sea-Band Facebook page. Click here to get one.
- Move to a spot in a vehicle where you will experience the least motion, such as over the wings in an aeroplane or in the centre of a boat.
- Some people find that closing their eyes is the best way to avoid sensory mismatches.
- Anxiety can also make the symptoms worse. Try relaxation techniques to help reduce symptoms.
- Most importantly, wear Sea-Bands when travelling!
So, take the stress out of your Easter plans, you can take care of the whole family with a special Sea-Band family pack available from iHealthSphere for a limited time only. Sea-Bands are also available at your local pharmacy.
To keep up-to-date on all of the ways Sea-Band can help with travel sickness and hear from Sea-Band converts, simply ‘Like’ the Sea-Band Facebook page for regular updates.
Sea-Band is making life better for families this Easter by giving a lucky reader the chance to win a $500 EFTPOS gift Voucher to spend on their Easter holiday.
For more information about Sea-Band, see the website and “Like” the Facebook page.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Sea-Band
This product works! No more nausea – amazing
Minties or something like them, I still get car-sick on occasion and something minty usually helps.
These Sea Bands sound awesome though.
Duct Tape and no not for that “Fifty Shades of Grey” experience unless that’s your thing! It’s amazing stuff if you end up with torn luggage, a damaged purse, or a broken shoe it’s one way for some temporary repair (although definitely not pretty). It’s also a good way to keep any bottles with liquid sealed during flights or long drives so you don’t have any unwanted spills. While you can certainly seal them before you leave, you’ll still need some extra duct tape for sealing them on the trip home.
For me, it’s IS Sea-bands we can’t travel without! I originally got them for my Dad when he was having Chemo, and they did help him with the nausea. They helped me with morning sickness nausea, and now my daughter uses them on every trip – car, bus or plane – as she gets very motion sick. They really work for us, and we really don’t leave home without them!
Never leave without snacks and wipes so many uses
Swiss Army knife just so handy
My sunglasses – never leave home without them
Pen and paper, never go without! Never no when your in doubt. A list to do all the things want to see, or simply a scribble pad for the kids while my ears flee!
A spare shoe!! Whenever I don’t have enough cup holders in my car I just take off a shoe and stick a drink in the ankle hole because a shoe makes a surprisingly stable extra cup holder!
We never leave home for our cruises without our sea bands. The most amazing products on the market!
Sea Band and First Aid Kit
Medicine kit including panadol, bandaids, vitamin c, antiseptic cream. Being prepared for whatever life throws at us!
Never leave without a carton of water you never know if your gonna break down and need that water also a jerry can of fuel
This product is amazing I gave some to my dad’s old friend who is having chemo they really helped him a lot
Snacks! My kids (and me) get hangry and it’s not pretty!
I never leave home without a good book! It’s the ultimate relaxation tool 🙂
I never leave home without a good book! It’s the ultimate relaxation tool 🙂
I never leave without the kids and hubby, even though many times I want to!!
I never leave without the kids and hubby, even though many times I want to!!
Sick Bags and water. It’s hereditary three generations of travel sickness.
We never leave home without a full supply of meds and a stocked first aid kit.
ummm …. My family 🙂
Sea Bands, Panadol and Band-Aids – the three essentials.
My phone!!!
A first aid kit is always packed away when we go away for the holidays.
I never leave on a holiday without a medical kit and a sewing kit, it’s helped numerous times to get me out of a situation.
A spare change of clothes.
I never leave home without my iPhone! Keeping me connected to maps, bank accounts and shopping!
My Hubby, as he’s the only one with a car license!
Panadol and band aids, cause if I didn’t pack them you can bet I’m gonna need them.
For me it is essential to travel with Band-aids – blisters can be the bane of a beautiful holiday…..oh and my nan insists placing a Band-aid over your belly button prevents travel sickness!
Family Road trips…. travelled regularly, whether it’s someone spewing, tiny tot pooping, always a deodorizer and odor fighting scented plastic bags!
I never leave without Arnica gel
A dummy. Without this, our car ride will turn into a car ride from hell as the little one screams for her dummy all the home…
The family!! It wouldn’t be much of a holiday without them!
The family!! It wouldn’t be much of a holiday without them!
Travel sickness bands, snacks, camera, GPS, and most importantly a sense of humour, because travelling with kids is an adventure all of it’s own….
Water and snacks!
The digital camera
S-Simply can’t leave with my Sea bands, E-Every trip is more enjoyable, A- A must for both my kids, B-Buses, trains, cars you name it!, A-Absolutely no more nausea, N-Never get sick now, D-Depend on Sea-bands for sanity, S-Simply amazing product that I always recommend!
Never leave home without sanitizer.
We always take some groovy tunes to sing along to in the car! Thank goodness we are imposing our good taste in music on our kids. 😉
A sea-band family pack so all of us enjoy the boat, car or plane trip! <3
Sunblock! I get insane sunburn and can’t spend time outside without it if the sun is out!! My husband is crazy about it and makes sure we’re all covered in sunblock when spending the day outside 😀
Paw paw ointment – multitude of reasons it may be needed for.
The obvious……. the family!
my smile, makes the holiday worth while
Never leave without a spare change of clothes,
My portable charger & smartphone,
My handbag full of all my useless goodies,
These items are always with me when leaving home!
My pillow
With young children I will never leave home for a holiday without Nurofen for kids! Any jetlag will result in them getting sick and so Nurofen becomes my saviour!
great product works really well
We take a Medical Kit with all the basics in case of accidents and fever and now we can include the Sea-Band Family Pack! All my kids get car sick, my daughter gets plane sick and I get Migraine sickness. I used Sea-Band Australia through all my pregnancies and they were fantastic; the only thing that got me though the day, they really do work. I never thought of using them for family sickness aid but now I will – they are worth their weight in gold, truly.
My camera because memories are priceless and photos are the proof of life.
My family as well as some CDs, snacks and snuggly pillows!
I never leave home without my children :p but also my insulin, all other things can be bought if necessary.
Panadol kids and adults
We can’t leave home without,
lots of baby wipes.
My children make a mess,
that leaves the car a sight!
Various photographic devices provides each of us a chance to capture precious family memories.
We never set off on a family adventure without our trusty Sea-Bands 🙂
A family holiday – I never leave home without my family, as much as at times I would love to escape on my own!!
I never leave home without chewing gum! I suffer with Eustachian tube problems in the ear and chewing seems to relieve the terrible nausea I get in cars and planes! chewing is tiring and I’d much rather wear a Seaband for relief – thanks for letting me know about them 🙂
Mt first Aid kit and clean underwear for everyone
I’d love to try this product as I get really bad motion sickness 🙁
I always take a small portable air purifier!
My camera. I want to capture those memories!
Never leave home without rubbish bags when out with the family. Theres always loads of mess for us to pick up and take with us.
The kids!
We never leave without our trusty esky, filled with fresh food and drinks!
We never leave without our trusty esky, filled with fresh food and drinks!
I never leave without my children 😉
I never go anywhere without filtered water. My hubby says it’s my security blanket. For holidays I’ll pack between 20- 30L of water (then usually more when I get there).
Personal identification such as driver’s licence and medicare card, if travelling overseas it is my passport as well. Sunglasses, keys and wallet and credit card….no credit card means no purchasing. Oh and my ticket….can’t get far without a ticket if it is needed.
I cant leave without my bee allergy tablets, not fair on the kids or a very fun holiday if I’m taken to hospital!
Travel sick bags that my mum has snaffled for me every time she flies! I can’t get in a car without being prepared!!
ipad/phone chargers – we would be lost without them!
ipad/phone chargers – we would be lost without them!
Panadol for kids and for adults!!
Panadol for kids and for adults!!
Music that encourages my three year old to belt out a tune – she is happily distracted by cheerful songs with lyrics she understands
PHONE CHARGER…..i always end up sharing it out to everyone else
Baby wipes, we use it to clean everything and freshen up with a quick wipe of the face.
I never leave home without my husband and my 3 daughters when going on a family holiday and the whole point of a family holiday is with “family”!
I never leave home without my husband and my 3 daughters when going on a family holiday and the whole point of a family holiday is with “family”!
A book. Never leave the house without one.
A book. Never leave the house without one.
I used the natural ginger tablets and I found they worked really well, every four hours you take two tablets and for someone who hadn’t been on a plane for over ten years, they did there job.
This sea band product is something my daughter should try….it is sleep or sickness with her….
I never leave home on any trip (short or long) without wet wipes! They are so versatile, particularly with the mess that kids create!
First aid kit, water, snacks and wipes!
I never leave home without a first aid kit in the boot of the car. I also take some eucalyptus, peppermint or ginger lollies of case travel nausea or sickness. I wish I had known about Sea bands as soon as they were realeased. I have tried travel sickness medications but they make me drowsy.
Water as we have very thirsty children and it gets expensive to buy. It’s also useful for radiators, handwashing and prevents headaches.
Definitely my family as it would be a solo holiday 🙂
I never leave home without the kids! 😉
my credit card!
This is going to sound weird, but my flat press sandwich toaster. I love having them for breakfast, and always take it with me on holidays or if I am going away
With three little ones and one large accident prone one in tow, I NEVER leave home without my little first aid kit. There is not a holiday we have been on, when it hasn’t come in handy.
Never go anywhere without bum wipes and spew bags
Never leave home without a sense of humour, snacks, and the ability to (try to!) calm kids and hubby alike!
Lots of toys and yummy, home made food to keep our little lady happy, healthy and occupied.
I never leave home without my “Emergency Kit” it contains;
A first aid kit
A warm blanket
A big 10L bottle of water (for the car or the kids)
Engine Oil
Brake fluid
Power Steering Fluid
Granola bars
And my flat tyre kit.
A spare roll (or 10) of toilet paper! We do alot of camping, and alot of long road trips 😉
Spew bags for the 10 year old who has suffered with travel sickness since she was 2
My Kids… and usually a book to read in the passenger seat of the car while we drive to our destination.
I never leave home without my family when going on a family holiday 😛
I never leave home without travel sickness tablets, but this product looks awesome and much more natural 🙂
helps to ease anxiety
When we go on family holiday
We take games to play
Fills the nights with something to do
Keeping holiday fun and different too
A sharp pair of kitchen scissors, a can of spray paint and a pillowcase. As a member of WIRES (Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service) I’m called out to a lot of roadside collisions between animals and cars to check pouches. The pillowcase is to put joey’s in the scissors are in case they need to be cut out because they are stuck and the spray paint is to mark the poor adult so other wildlife rescue officers can see that the roo/wallaby/wombat has been checked for a Joey.
A good book!
First aid kit because with kids one of them will stub a toe or graze a knee without fail and a bandage works wonders.
Baby wipes. Non-scented and alcohol free, of course. They are one of the greatest inventions EVER. I have only just gotten the last of my four children out of nappies and baby wipes are ESSENTIAL when travelling with kids in nappies! They are also brilliant for sticky fingers(for both kids and adults), for helping clear up spillages(such as travel sickness throw-up, eeww!!!), wiping away doggy drool from an over-enthusiastic car-travelling CRAZY Bulldog!)and even for wiping a smeared car interior and windscreen! Actually, someone could write a book on 101 ways to use baby wipes…!
I never leave home when travelling long distances without a handy towel in case or car sickness and some lollies to chew on and entertain my passengers!!
I never leave home when travelling long distances without a handy towel in case or car sickness and some lollies to chew on and entertain my passengers!!
I never leave home without ….
Music to travel by,
Healthy snacks to eat,
Fun activities for the kids
As a boredom fighting treat;
Lots of cool water
The perfect thirst quencher –
But more than all of these I pack ….
Accidents always happen, especially when travelling. So I always pack a roll of paper towels. Some I pre-moisten with water and stick in a plastic bag – great for cleaning faces, sticky fingers, smeared windows etc. Dry paper towels are essential for wiping down kids and surfaces, mopping up spilt drinks and creating a demilitarised zone in the backseat North and South Korea would be proud of.
Never leave the home without every family member, fur babies included
First Aid Kit, you never know when you will need one, especially if you have small children.
Family holiday what’s that lol. I guess we wouldn’t leave home without the kids 🙂
my sense of humour 😀
Never leave without phone + charger
On holiday I take my money, too many clothes and my Sea Band.
Water for my travel sick daughter to sip and wet wipes and plastic bags
When off on a trip with Miss 8, we don’t forget the Sea-Band. It’s our first defence against nausea without any side effects and let’s her rest.
Something to chew on. My mouth gets bored, but its also great for when I’m flying 🙂
My wallet. Can’t go anywhere, do or buy anything without it!
Patience! I try to bring patience for the queues, patience for the restless kids in the car and planes, and patience for man trying to find his way and in denial! Sometimes I forget it thought :/
Patience! I try to bring patience for the queues, patience for the restless kids in the car and planes, and patience for man trying to find his way and in denial! Sometimes I forget it thought :/
I never go on a family holiday,
Without taking my camera with me.
Because whenever we go away,
I want to capture everlasting memories.
The game uno as it’s great fun and enjoyed by the children and adults as well!
The card game uno as its great fun and all the children and adults included enjoy it!
A First Aid Kit for those unexpected accidents! My kids are always getting cuts and scrapes.
Medication and a credit card. Everything else can be purchased along the way!
Medication and a credit card. Everything else can be purchased along the way!
my camera, never want to miss a special moment
my camera, never want to miss a special moment
Apart from my nausea saving Sea Bands, my camera, i am one of those crazy people who takes way too many photos of everything, always make up albums of our trips and the kids and i love looking through them and remembering our amazing holidays and the fun we have had.
My phone and charger! I can take photos, use maps, find opening and closing times for the various activities we want to do, have all my contacts and notes if we need them, keep copies of itineraries, kids can play games if they get bored, I can read my books through the kindle app (as long as I have my glasses) and yeah, and make phone calls if needed 🙂
Hand sanitiser! It’s a lifesaver when you’re in the midst of “ewwy gewwy” stuff. Especially when food is served with no vanity or soap bars in sight!
My Sea Bands, now I can safely throw my vomit bags out the window and replace it with smiles and happy travellers. We all look forward to holiday times now and travel is a piece of cake!.
my kids of course & my first aid kit most important things & luggage otherwise wouldn’t be any good with no clothes
Colouring books!! My daughter can’t go anywhere without them. If she doesn’t have colouring books, she will go crazy.. Even to the point of covering the car with mud and drawing :/
My camera for those memorable moments and loads of music lol
A really good book that I’ve been saving to read until I can cherish every word. My husband has time on holidays to take our son for ‘adventures’ on his scooter while I enjoy a chapter. Bliss!
never leave home without my car keys 🙂
First Aid kit that does contain Sea-bands. Everything else; Panadol, Bandaids, and antiseptic. Guaranteed the moment you’re too far away to turn back or away from civilization someones going to get a cut, or feel sick etc etc. Murphy’s Law, Sea-bands have saved the day a good few trips for us.
Bucket, change of clothes, a towel and a huge bottle of water! Cross fingers and hold on tight
Sunglasses and bottles of water
Sunglasses and water bottles
Glue stick you just never know when your child might rip wall paper off a hotel wall, yes it’s happened to me.
Moisturiser – I’m more likely to have time on holiday to use it and definitely a good book.
Bought these already for a cruise we booked in May so we’ll see if they work. I never leave without tissues, water and my mobile when I go on holidays
Sea-Band for kids and for my morning sickness.
Baby wipes! They are a must for any mum!
My Epipen and Veltolin otherwise it would get disasterous. 🙁
With 6 kids definitely baby wipes 😀
i never leave home without my kids lol
I used these when I was suffering from morning sickness!!! They are great!!!
Sea-Bands for the kids makes going on holidays so much more relaxing, we all feel comfortable and arrive fresh for adventure!
Our Gro-clock. Even in an unfamiliar environment, kids still know they’re not allowed to get out of bed until their sun comes up!