Natural Patch BuzzPatch Mosquito Repellent Stickers Review

Natural Patch BuzzPatch Mosquito Repellent Stickers Review
If you and your kids love being outdoors during the warm weather, but hate being eaten alive by mosquitoes, the Buzz Patch mosquito repellent stickers from Natural Patch could be exactly what you’re looking for! My sister and my 16-month-old niece who I lovingly refer to as Fluff (on account of her magnificent head of hair) often spend an hour or two at one of their local parks near Brisbane, in between naps. But, like much of the east coast, we’ve had a larger amount of rain than usual in the lead up to summer, and the mozzies are out in full force. My sister mentioned that they’d begun avoiding one of their favourite playgrounds because both she and Fluff were coming home with bites, so I suggested that they road-test a product that I’d recently been made aware of – the BuzzPatch mosquito repellent stickers. Like most parents, she’s very careful about what she puts on her daughter’s sensitive baby skin, and is always keen to opt for natural products for both health and environmental reasons, so I knew she’d be keen to find out more about what Natural Patch had to offer.
How Do BuzzPatch Mosquito Repellent Stickers Work?
Buzzpatch is the world’s number 1, all-natural, non-spray shield to protect you and your family against mosquito bites. They work by using a scientifically formulated and tested blend of highly effective, all natural essential oils that have been used for hundreds of years by indigenous communities to repel mosquitos. The essential oil overpowers the carbon dioxide that we emit, which usually allows mosquitoes to sense where we are. If they can’t find us, they can’t bite us! Clever, right?
Unlike topical sprays that contain DEET or Picaridin, Buzzpatch is not only easy to use, it’s also environmentally friendly.
To use, simply peel off the BuzzPatch sticker and place it on your clothing nearest the exposed body areas.
0-2 years – 1 placed centrally on the body
3-4 years – place 2 patches on the body (1 on torso, 1 on/near legs)
6+ use 2-4 patches, one places on clothing next to each exposed limb.
Each pack contains 60 beautifully designed emoji stickers which you and your little ones will love. Each sticker is made from medical grade non-woven fabric and contains an all-natural Citronella essential oil blend, carefully formulated to repel mosquitoes.
The Verdict
Here’s what Fluff’s mum Charmaine had to say about the BuzzPatch mosquito repellent patches;
I love that they smell really natural. I use essential oils at home a lot because I prefer to avoid chemicals where possible, so I love that they are not only made using natural essential oils, but they are also 100% biodegradable. The release of the vapours is also scientifically controlled, so the effects of the product really last for hours, and I don’t have to think about reapplying a repellent if we are in and out of the house throughout the day.
I love to take my daughter out to one of our local parks after the rain, because its often much cooler. But since the mosquitos have become quite bad, I’ve avoided going as she would come home covered in bites all up her arms and legs. I was a little sceptical about taking her back there, even wearing one of the patches, as some of the bites she had previously really caused her a few miserable days, especially during the hot weather when they tend to itch more. But, they really worked! We can hang out at all our favourite spots without worrying about getting bitten when she is wearing a BuzzPatch sticker! Incredible!
I told a friend about them recently, and recommended she get some for her little one, as I think they are amazing. It turns out she already uses them and loves them too. Am I the last to know? Lol! My advice is, if you know about these awesome little patches, tell all your friends! They are a game-changer.
I’ll definitely be buying more of them. I think they are great value for money, easy to use, and easy to carry around. I keep some at home, some in my car, and some in my nappy bag so I’m always prepared. I’ve also got a packet of MagicPatch Itch Relief Patches to try which are designed to provide non-chemical magical relief from itches and bites, but so far we haven’t had any need to use them. I’ll get back to you and let you know how effective they are at a later date, if we do have cause to use them.
If you love to spend time outdoors exploring with your little one, or playing in your backyard or going camping as a family, I highly recommend the BuzzPatch mozzie repellent patches.
For more information or to purchase from the Natural Patch Company’s range of natural patches (including the hugely popular SleepyPatch stickers that help to calm the nervous system and promote sleep) visit the Natural Patch website here.
Disclosure: The reviewer was gifted the BuzzPatch and MagicPatch stickers for the purpose of providing an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed here are her own. This article contains affiliate links. This means that should you make a purchase, we may received a small commission, at no extra cost to you. This enables us continue to provide you with high quality content.