My Secret to Making it Through the Cold Season When I’m Too Busy Being a Mum to Lie in Bed and Rest

My Secret to Making it Through the Cold Season When I’m Too Busy Being a Mum to Lie in Bed and Rest
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It’s that time of year when if you or the other members of your family aren’t suffering from a cold, you’re likely not too far away from someone who is. Statistically, in fact, adults get between 2 – 4 colds a year, and children, who are at even greater risk, may catch a cold as many as 10 times a year!
If you are a parent, this information likely isn’t anything you didn’t already know.
Runny noses and chesty coughs are par for the course during the dry, cold months, right? And of course, it only takes one of our little cherubs to pick up a cold from their playmates at day care, kinder or school before the whole family is feeling under the weather and utterly miserable.
Unfortunately when it comes to kicking colds, all we can do is ease the symptoms that make us feel so rotten and ride it out. Which can be frustrating, especially when you are a parent, and lying in bed all day resting (and catching up on your favourite TV shows) just isn’t an option, (as wonderful as it sounds).
Fortunately, there is no need to suffer through the unpleasant symptoms of a cold without relief. A friend of mine recently introduced me to Prospan. I’d called to cancel our play date for the second time in a row because my daughter was feeling under the weather with a cold and a chesty cough, when she asked if I’d ever tried Ivy Leaf Extract. Having two young girls that attend day care throughout the week, she’s no stranger to coughs and colds either. She told me how she gives her children Prospan liquid and swears by it when they are coughing and congested.
Like any mum, I hate to see my kids feeling unwell, and the scratch in the back of my throat told me that I’d likely be in need of some relief over the next couple of days too. So, the next morning I bought some Prospan – I opted for the cough lozenges as they’re for adults and children 6+. Perfect for me, my husband and all 3 of my children. Bonus!
Unlike some lozenges we’ve tried in the past, they actually taste good, so I was spared my daughter’s complaints about the flavour. (Another VERY big point in favour of the lozenges in my opinion!) She also liked that they were soft lozenges, because she isn’t a huge fan of hard ones.
As expected, a few days later, feeling entirely miserable, I too gave the lozenges a go to ease my chesty cough, as I ferried my children to and from school, and to after-school sports. My verdict? I am only too happy to recommend them to friends when they need some cough relief on-the-go, because we all know that mums are too busy to lie around feeling sorry for themselves when they are sick, right? We have to pull on our big girl panties, and GET ON WITH IT!
So, what makes Prospan different from remedies I have tried in the past?
It’s not some kind of herbal woo-woo. Prospan’s exclusive Ivy Leaf Extract EA 575 has been shown in 11 clinical trials and multiple scientific studies in over 65,000 adults and children to provide relief from chesty coughs and clear chest congestion from a cold. It works in three distinct ways to help relieve chesty coughs
- Relieves coughs: helping you to cough more productively and bring up mucus from the lungs.
- Eases chest congestion: helps to thin, break down and clear mucous congestion.
- Soothes the airways: helping to ease breathing symptoms associated with a cold.
Prospan Lozenges are also sugar-free (another big thumbs up from me), so they are suitable for my whole family.
For just RRP$12.95 they’ve won me over as an essential item in my must-have products for the cold season.
Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. Not to be given to children under 6 years without medical advice.
Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition.