Walk the walk this Summer with Fitflop (Giveaway)

What do you look for in a pair of shoes?
For me they have to look good, be versatile, and most importantly they must be comfortable. Granted, a few times a year I will squash my feet into something ridiculously glamorous and uncomfortable when I frock up, but when I am out and about with my young family, practicality and comfort are paramount.
A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to be offered a pair of Fitflops to review.
As you can imagine, I was all over that! Hello? Shoes? Of course I’m interested!
I chose the tan slings, and I was very excited when they arrived literally hours before I hopped on a plane to Queensland with the children. A slight rearrangement of the suitcase followed to accommodate my new footwear and off we went.
In hindsight I needn’t have packed any other shoes. I lived in them and it is no exaggeration to say that they are easily the most comfortable pair of shoes I have ever owned. In fact, I can’t quite look at any of my other shoes in quite the same light after wearing the Fitflop sandals! Lol!
Three full days of theme parks, a day at the beach and numerous park visits meant a lot of walking…and I mean a lot, but absolutely no foot discomfort whatsoever.
You see, they aren’t your average pair of flip flops. As the name cleverly suggests Fit flops actually increase the activation of certain leg muscles while you walk (so you’re performing an extra little work out unawares) and the built in wobbleboard midsoles absorb shock and diffuse underfoot pressure. Clever huh?
Of course, I didn’t just invite you here so that I could brag about my new shoes (well, maybe just a little!) Fitflop would like to give THREE Mums Lounge readers a pair of their gorgeous Frou sandals (in your choice of colour), valued at $179.95.
To enter simply follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter widget below.
Good Luck!