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Want to Rid Yourself of Door to Door Sales People for Good? (Plus Giveaway)

law in action get rid of door salesman

If there is one thing that I detest even more than telemarketers ringing me up at dinner-time, or whilst I’m bathing the kids, it’s door-to-door salesman turning up on my doorstep.

Like many Australians, I’m of the opinion that if I want to buy something I will come and find you. Don’t come knocking on my door, disrupting my family’s routine with your pushy sales-pitch. I’m not in the habit of being rude or abrupt to anyone, and I resent having to resort to being blunt or risk being sucked into a conversation I don’t want to have, with a person I don’t know, about a product or service I don’t need. It is my pet peeve!

law in action trespass signs


Nobody wants to be rude to another person by closing the door on them or by being abrupt, particularly not in front of their impressionable young children – but really? Sometimes pushy salespeople leave you no other option! And in your own home – that really isn’t a trade-off you should be forced to make!

We do have a ‘Do Not Knock’ sticker on the front door, but often times that has proven to be an insubstantial deterrent. By the time the door-to-door salesman has made it down the driveway and set our dogs off barking, one of the children has usually opened the door expecting one of their friends or a grandparent to be visiting, only to be greeted by the salesperson who hasn’t had any need to knock the door and who possibly hasn’t even seen the sign yet! Urgh! And whilst I find it to be a frustrating inconvenience, I know that older people, my elderly grandmother included, can often feel very nervous about answering the door to strangers. It’s such a nuisance – and an invasion of privacy!

law in action

Older people often feel very nervous when uninvited and unknown peopleknock on their door. They have a right, like the rest of us, to feel safe in their own homes.

If this sounds all too familiar to you, you’ll be pleased to hear that there is a simple and effective solution available!

SalesmanLaw in Action trespass signs

Law in action trespass signs keep away uninvited guests in a legally appropriate way, by clearly restricting entry to your property. The signs which are UV-resistant and weather-proof are designed to be easily attached to your letterbox, gate or fence, and clearly warn unwanted visitors that entry is forbidden and unauthorised.

In fact, each trespass sign kit comes with a 68 page ‘Law in Action’ handbook which clearly explains your rights to quiet enjoyment in your own home free from harassment. Furthermore, if they refused to leave, you are entitled to sue them for damages – now that should make any unwanted callers think twice before entering your property! It doesn’t matter whether you are a landowner or a tenant in a rented home – the trespass to land law protects the person who has ‘exclusive possession’ of a property. The Law in Action’ handbook will help you learn how to stop unwanted door knockers for good!

I think that $19.95 for peace of mind, privacy and an understanding of my rights in my own home is a small price to pay – I’d gladly pay double that not to ever have to deal with another pushy salesperson when I’m trying to dish up my family’s dinner! Don’t you?

law in action trespass kit


Order yours today here and never have to worry about unwanted door-knockers again!

products trespass signs law in action

Invest in the protection, safety and security of your home and loved ones.

The Giveaway

Mums Lounge have 5 Law in Action Trespass Kits to give away. Have you been harassed by door to door sales people, or anyone else? Share your story to help others! Best 5 stories will win a Law in Action Trespass Kit. 
To enter simply complete the entry from below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.


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