“My SIL Wants to Ban the Grandparents from Celebrating Mother’s Day as Its Her Day Now!”

One woman has taken to the internet to share her sister-in-law’s bizarre idea about how Mother’s Day works. According to her, now that she has a child, her mother and mother-in-law should stop celebrating Mother’s Day, as this is now her day, and should instead celebrate Grandparents Day!
My SIL gave birth about 11 months ago. Today is her first Mother’s Day as a mother. She told me earlier this week she plans to speak to my mother and her mother today about no longer allowing them to celebrate Mother’s Day because she’s a mother now and it’s “her” holiday. For the record, she lives in my house and I also have young children who live with me. She said the grandmothers can have Grandparent’s Day now (who even celebrates that?) and that Mother’s Day should be just about her and celebrating/appreciating her, and she shouldn’t have to share “her day” with anyone else.
I didn’t bother asking her if I was allowed to celebrate still or not. Instead, I just laughed at her and said “Yeah, good luck with that” before exiting the room. She hasn’t brought it up again but has been kind of cold to me since. Honestly, I don’t think I’m wrong here, but maybe this is a generational etiquette divide (I’m a lot older than her). I suppose I didn’t need to laugh at her, but like, c’mon!
Commenters did not hold back in sharing what they thought about OP’s sister-in-law.
Stupid people, with stupid ideas, deserve stupid responses. NTA and don’t you dare apologize to her. What a self centered idiot. (swissmtndog398)
NTA. Your SIL is not special, literally every single person on this planet has been given birth by their mother.
Mother’s day is for everyone who have a mother figure in their life and want to let her know how happy they are about it, age is irrelevant. (forgeris)
NTA – your SIL IS delusional. Mothers day is for all mothers, and all Mother figures, that anyone chooses to celebrate. (Comfortable-Sea-2454)
Other people said that this wasn’t the first time they’d heard this way of thinking.
This is becoming a thing, I think. I’ve seen other post where women claim that, the grand mothers aren’t ‘actively mothering’ any longer. So now the day belongs to CURRENT moms.
It’s the stupidest sh*t I’ve ever heard.
Entitled people being entitled. (Umbr33on)
Absolutely this. My mother is in her 80s and I’m still pretty sure she’s “actively mothering” me, and will be as long as she’s alive, LOL. She may not be raising me anymore, but she will always be my mom in active and meaningful ways. (Sorry_I_Guess)
Imagine declaring that Mother’s Day, a day to celebrate ALL our mothers, should be JUST about yourself and nobody else. Who does she think she is?
Honestly, laughing in her face at her saying that is the most generous way you could’ve handled that.
NTA (daniell321)
What do you think? How do you celebrate Mother’s Day?