“My Wife Won’t Allow the Ugly Baby Blanket My Dad Made in the Nursery!”

One man has taken to the internet to express his frustration with his pregnant wife after she refused to allow a sentimental gift from his father to be displayed in the nursery. After the death of his mum who would always make a baby blanket for all new members of the family, his dad decided to take over the family tradition and make a blanket for his new grandchild. Despite the touching sentiment, the man’s wife refuses to allow it in the new nursery because it is ugly and does not match the theme.
I am very very frustrated/annoyed.
Some backstory. My late mom used to make baby blankets for any new members of the family. I am the youngest of a family of four and my mom has passed away. I thought that I would never get a blanket for our children since my mom is dead.
My dad gave me a baby blanket he made. Apparently he started to learn how to make them when mom was diagnosed. I can’t even explain how happy I was when I saw it. It is a perfectly good blanket even if it is a bit ugly.
I want to make it clear that it functions perfectly and isn’t a hazard at all. It’s just clear it was his first time really making it and his color choice is unique. It is pink, blue and green striped.
I personally love it and put it in the nursery for when our child is born. My wife moved it and it wasn’t even in the room anymore. I asked why and she told me she don’t want it there. I told her it’s for our kid and went to place it back on the nursery.
She told me no and this started an argument. She eventually admitted that she hates it since it doesn’t match the nursery theme at all. More argument, and I told her its my kid too, that she is awful for not allowing a blanket made by the child grandparents since it doesn’t match her the theme.
She called me a jerk and she left for the day.
Commenters were so touched by the grandfather’s gesture that some admitted to being close to tears just reading it and were astonished that the wife would fail to understand the sentimental value it must hold for her husband.
So far NTA it’s off the scale. I am almost in tears by this story. Your father learned to do a skill from scratch to be able to keep up the memory/ tradition of his late wife. So what it’s not perfect? So what it doesn’t match the “theme”? That is an incredible effort and thought with a huge amount of meaning behind it. Get that blanket back in there and give your dad a huge hug and thanks. And tell your wife that fuck her “theme”, this blanket stays.
Your wife is being completely thoughtless to not see how much this means to both you and your father.
^ holy moly your wife is being a shallow and thoughtless jerk. The fact that she is valuing the aesthetic of a baby room over the hugely sentimental and sweet value of the blanket and what it represent is crazy. NTA (manonaca)
The fact that it’s not perfect makes it that much better. It was crafted with pure love. That’s so much more important than crap that looks nice but was most likely mass produced in a sweatshop by an 8 year old. (I-am_me_86)
My son’s nursery had a theme, but the handmade blankets were far far more important than if they clashed or not. I’m raging for op even as I understand how crazy pregnancy can make you. She doesn’t care at all that he is probably struggling with a lot of emotions around his mom not being here for this huge milestone and this blanket is more than just something for the baby. It’s a connection to his mother AND something the child’s grandfather lovingly made… and probably taught himself to do for this very reason.
Honestly, I worry for the baby if mom is already prioritising an Instagram worthy aesthetic over family. Let’s hope it doesn’t continue. (nunyaranunculus)
One mum in the comments section admitted that her MIL gave her something she hated too, but also pointed out how children often love the things that connect them to their family the most, regardless of whether they are ugly.
NTA. yes, your wife is awful. How on earth is the aesthetic of a room more important than the connection to the grandparents?
My MIL gave me horrendous pyjamas my husband wore when he was born for my kids to wear. It was the 70’s and the colour choices were… not good. My kids still wore it and they have pictures to match their dad pictures in the horrible pyjamas. They are grown up now and they love the connection to family photos more than they hate the colour choice. (Procrastination4evr0
However, some people advised the soon-to-be dad not to push the situation with his hormonal wife right now, believing that the situation would sort itself out once the baby was born.
I feel like this is a situation where you’d be wise to lose the battle in order to win the war. You are 100% not wrong in loving the “ugly” blanket and wanting your child to use it. I’ll fully admit I went a little squishy inside when you said your dad learned to make them so that your mom’s spirit would live on. Sweetest thing ever, and I think that “ugly” blanket has potential to be the most loved thing ever. But now isn’t the time to win the battle.
Your wife is still nesting. She’s in the phase where she has a perfect vision for all that’s to come and it is sweet and wonderful and yes, color coordinated. Let her have that. Because once the baby arrives and the shit hits the fan (or the changing table, the wall, the floor, etc. Because trust me, it WILL happen) that “ugly” blanket is going to make its way into the rotation without a second though. And as your child grows and the room goes from idyllic and pristine nursery to lived in child room, the colors are going to become far less significant, but the blanket grandpa made might become the treasured lovey that follows him or her everywhere. That’s the war you need to focus on.
Let her have her perfectly coordinated vision for now. Toss the blanket onto your favorite spot in the house so when its time for daddy baby time, you can grab it and snuggle in. The blanket doesn’t need to exist in the nursery today to be a treasure for the rest of your kids life. NAH (KnitSheep)
The solution is simple. Babies need many blankets. Blankets in the nursery, blankets in the living room, blankets in the travel bag etc. Use your dad’s blanket in one of those places. Imagine bringing your little bundle of joy home wrapped in the blanket grampa made.
Give your wife some breathing space. She has a lot of stressors going on. She is growing a whole person. If she is freaking out over ‘stupid’ things it’s more than likely she’s scared. Parenthood is terrifying.
NAH but give your wife a hug, tell her she’s beautiful and brave, and put the blanket in the hospital bag. (Thin-Environment-303)
What do you think? Should he push the issue or wait it out until after the baby os born?