People Are Sharing All the Most Appreciated Things They Bring to a Party and We Are Taking Notes!

People Are Sharing All the Most Appreciated Things They Bring to a Party and We Are Taking Notes!
As we are getting our lives back together after the pandemic, many of us are hosting or attending parties again. But after a couple of years of isolating and keeping our distance, we suddenly find ourselves out of practice, not remembering how to be a normal human again. You mean I don’t have to stand over here by the clothesline the whole night? I can move around and maybe even dance? Do I even remember how?
Luckily for all of us antisocial fools out there, someone on Reddit has asked a very good question: What’s an underrated thing to bring to a party?
The answers have us taking notes and making promises to ourselves to be the best party guests ever at the next big bash we attend.
a few packets of frozen Zooper Doopers
a dozen lemons and/or limes
a few bags of ice
80+ chicken nuggets
a whole watermelon
bread, spicy cheese and a sandwich toaster for late-night cheese toasties
Sharpie texta to write names on cups and for custom tattoos
a good card game for people to play (there is a great list here)
a slow cooker full of pulled pork with some fresh buns
a huge tray of homemade mac n cheese
a bucket of chalk
a bag of fortune cookies
life-size cardboard cut out of Nicolas Cage
a kilo of cocktail frankfurts and two dozen dinner rolls for mini hotdogs
a bottle opener with a corkscrew
glowsticks and sparklers
a big platter of fairy bread
a carton of bottles of water (still or sparkling)
at least three bags of frozen Potato Gems and some baking trays
fresh guacamole
And finally…
a willingness to help clean up afterwards
Do you have any to add? Leave your suggestions in the comments and enjoy your next party!