People Share the Funniest Lies They Believed When They Were a Child

Despite being taught as children that it’s bad to lie, it’s not unusual for many of us to look back on our childhood and realise that our parents didn’t mind telling us a porky or two when it suited them! This week the good folk of Reddit are sharing the funniest lie’s they believed as children and there are some hilarious ones!
That my belly button was a knot where my skin was tied together and if I picked at it the knot would unravel and my skin would come off. (Lykab_Oss)
The rumble strips on the highway are for blind drivers. It took me seven years to realize. Well played, Dad (Own_Information_8223)
That when one of my teeth fell out a beautiful little fairy would collect it and actually compensate me for my troubles, what a time to be alive. (loloasworldxx)
That the police would pull us over, or we would straight-up all die if I turned one of the lights on in the car at night. (Acheron98)
That my sister could see down the phone. I used to call her on my birthday and show her all my presents by holding the phone up to them.
This was the early 90s, using an early cordless landline. (chrisoverson)
My mom used to tell me watching a dog poop would make you go blind. (Jibbles_Jibblers)
my dad told me pumice was whale poo.
i believed him and took some to school for show and tell 🙁 (Apprehensive-Ad4244)
My brother and my cousin convinced me for a period of time when I was little that I had a sister living in Australia named Sarah. There was in fact no such sister 😂 (Mal1234)
My son was convinced by his 2 sisters and 2 female cousins that he was left by aliens because people with our last name couldn’t have boys. I woke to him crying one night saying, “I want to go home.” We laugh now, back than not so much. 👽 (Exotic_Asparagus2185)
eating too much sugar will glue my ass cheeks together.
thanks mom (Educational_West_590)
I remember believing that if I swallowed gum, it would stay in my stomach for seven years. It seemed pretty plausible to me at the time… each time i swallowed one i ended up crying for 2 hrs. (pretty_carsy)
Growing up, I was fully convinced that if I accidentally ate an apple seed, an apple tree would start growing out of the top of my head. My uncle used to tell me this, saying I’d have branches and leaves sprouting out of my scalp if I wasn’t careful. I remember being meticulously careful eating around the core, terrified at the thought of becoming a human-apple hybrid. I even had nightmares about waking up with a tree growing out of my head. It’s funny to think about now, but back then, I was genuinely scared and believed every word he said. (Tantalizing_Olivia)
My dad convinced my sister soy sauce is bug juice. She wouldn’t touch it for years. (xxplodingboy)
The birds see everything I do and go tell my mom, worked pretty well. (sernmechecksout)
My older brother told me that little people worked inside of the street signals and were in charge of changing the lights from green, yellow and red. (Golden-FlowerShine)
My grandfather told me if you stick your finger in your belly button then your arse would fall off.
I believed this for WAY too long! 😆 (Font_Factor_1984)
That I was the best potato peeler in the whole family. Took until I was in my 20s that my parents just wanted someone to peel all the potatoes for Sunday roasts. (Savings_Walrus_2617)
That my easter eggs melted in the fridge according to my mum… (BnynNp)
That you had to pay to go inside a Disney shop (Prudent-Level-7006)
Your eyes change color when you lie. So don’t tell lies, because everyone will be able to tell you’re a liar. (envyrules)
My mum told me my dad was Brad Pitt when I was 4. Every time he came on tv I was like “That’s my dad”. I believed it for about three years and told EVERYONE my dad was Brad Pitt.
My actual dad was present too so for three years I was telling my actual father that Brad Pitt was my real dad. (Fee-kay)
The chocolate icing was poisonous until it was on a cake… I believed this for much longer than I should have.. (Leather_Step_8763)
The moon is made of cheese 💀 (aishalilith)
Sitting too close to the TV would give you square eyes MillenialApathy)
That the Queen was coming over so I needed to tidy my room 👸 (lornamabob)
My older brother convinced me that the nasty ham that is often served after a funeral is actually made from the deceased. (ALsomenumbers)
That my mom had eyes in the back of her head and could see everything I did. 🤣 (Informal-Chemical-79)
Mashed potatoes came from clouds and 1 guy in a hot air balloon is responsible for supplying all the mashed potatoes in the world. (percent77)
To avoid me wanting to stop at McDonalds on long road trips, my parents always would see one coming and tell me to look out the other window for horses. There were never any horses.
I now do this with my daughter but say tractors. (racer_24_4evr)
That the people on the television lived inside the television so we had to turn it off to give them privacy to use the bathroom and go to sleep. (AussieKoala-2795)
my mum told me i was allergic to coco pops because she didn’t want me eating sugary cereals 😔 i told friends’ parents at sleepovers, i told the people at before/after school care, i told teachers on camps then they would ask why it wasnt written on my forms ahahahaha 😭 i believed it for so long i actually never figured it out, my mum told me eventually 😭😭😭😭(ditzy-kitten)
My older brother would use a little gremlin voice and say he was “possessed” and order me around. If I didn’t do what the scary voice said he’d never give me my real brother back.
We were latchkey kids in the 90s and I’m pretty sure I did all of his chores one summer because of this. (wanderingdorathy)
That there was a chemical in the pool that turned your pee purple, so if you peed in the pool, everybody would know. There’s a small part of me that still believes it lol. (sunrisehound)
What’s the funniest lie you believed when you were a child?