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People Share the Ridiculous Things They Believed as Children and We Can Relate!

Did you believe something as a child that you can now see was completely ridiculous? In a fun Reddit thread this week people shared some of the strange things they thought when they were children, so we’ve compiled some of our favourites that are most likely to make you smile nostalgically. How many of the following admissions can you relate to?

I thought people in the past actually saw black and white. (LopsidedAd7821

That I would definitely encounter quicksand at some point in my life. Every damn tv show had someone rescued from quicksand. (WakingOwl1)

i used to think the moon followed our car wherever we went like it was my personal spotlight. (LoveLila_22)

Everyone is born with a smooth brain, and you get a wrinkle each time you learn something new. )Ok-Emotion-5179)

Ice melting in a drink made the drink colder.

So if I put a bunch of ice in a drink and then microwaved it until the ice had all melted it would make the drink super cold a lot quicker. (varthalon)

That there would be hover cars like in the Jetson’s when I grew up. (travlynme2)

If you dug a hole deep enough, you’d get to China 🇨🇳. (Golden Wizard)


That parents knew what they were doing all the time; they don’t. (Mediocre_Method_4683)

I used to think there was people inside the traffic lights that would control them. (David8gamer2)

As a child, i really believed that if i stepped on a crack i would break my mom’s back it seemed so serious at the time and i would avoid cracks on the sidewalk like my life depended on it. (Mariaaeyy)

I thought my urine was stored in my scrotum and I thought if I didn’t pee it would explode. I heard that from a friend and believe him. I was 6 years old. (Pleasant-Valuable972)

The Teachers sleep at school. (NaughtyWetPrincess)

If you die, the ambulance comes and makes you better and drops you back home😂 (o1thekidd)

I was convinced I would one day be older than my older sister and then I could finally boss her around for a change! (cianfrusagli)

Little tiny musicians lived in the radio and played music. (Any_Coyote6662)


If you slept on your back you’d get nightmares. A crazy amount of kids believed this when I was much younger and it’s sort of stuck with me ever since, even though I don’t dream anymore. (big_hug123)

I thought that when a couple got married that they HAD to have a baby nine months later. Now of course some couples do have shotgun weddings and other wives get pregnant on the honeymoon, but I thought it was automatic. (Rusty10NYM)

My beloved husband once looked up at the sky and saw the clouds where moving fast, then looked me dead in the eyes and said “the earth is spinning fast today” He was 25 at the time. (HubbaBubba1122)

Before I had ever been in a car my favourite show as a kid was Knight Rider. Specifically because of the talking car. I thought all cars had that capability. I was every disappointed on my first car ride 😂 (stadiumjay)


As I child I was told that if I sat on something cold made of stone outside, my ovaries would freeze and disappear and I would become infertile.

I also believed that children were delivered painlessly from the belly button when it was time. (purpurmond)

I thought that if I swallowed gum, it would stay in my stomach for seven years! I was so scared to chew it for ages! (amiyoungwoman)

If I ate a cherry pit a cherry tree would grow in my tummy. Death was certain. (MyOldBlueCar)

There was a TV commercial for cold cereal that showed kids getting on their bicycles and flying up into the sky after eating the cereal. I believed that would happen if I ate the cereal and it seemed like a completely normal thing to happen. (spitandbite)

That spaghetti grew on trees….I saw a tv commercial where they were picking it and laying it out to dry, so I believed it for years till I asked my mother if we could get a spaghetti tree so we could have fresh spaghetti. (Plastic_Cherry_2701)

If you eat seaweed, you can breathe underwater. (Jaded_Barber3607)

Dumbest would have to be that girls didn’t have to pee since they didn’t have a penis… it just gets absorbed. (SilverB33)

What did you believe as a child that you can now see was ridiculous?


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Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.

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