People Share the Weird Things They Learned About Their Partner Only After They Moved in Together!

It doesn’t matter how long you date your partner, there are certain things you only learn about them after you move in together. You have to learn to live with one another’s daily routines, preferences and quirky little habits, and it’s not always easy!
This week on Reddit, people are sharing the weird things they learned about their partner only after they moved in together. Some are hilariously relatable, whilst others are just…well…weird!
He wanted to put all the cutlery just straight into a drawer without any divides between knives, forks and spoons. Just… All in there in a mess. (thekingofwintre)
I always thought that when movies or TV shows feature someone talking in their sleep, and they just spout random, silly nonsense, that it was mostly for comedic effect and wasn’t really a reflection of real life.
Nope. My partner talks in his sleep and it’s always just absolute random, silly nonsense. The most recent one was, in a tone of dismay; “There’s ice cream all over the stairs…” followed by a drawn out “broooooooo”
He also just periodically giggles in his sleep, which, frankly, is one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen from another human. (T3nacityDog)
He sleeps like a vampire; sleeping on his back, with his arms straight by his sides or folded on his chest. Every. Single. Night. Some nights he doesn’t even change his position at all. I was seriously concerned during the first couple of nights we slept in the same bed. (Rag1ngRedHead)
He completely undresses before going to the bathroom to poop. (JasmineLaMore)
Doesn’t dry using towel and instead naturally air dries. (whitelair2)
While I’m cooking, he insists on opening the goddamn oven MULTIPLE TIMES to check if it’s ready.
Makes me homicidal. (geek-the-greek)
The snot shirt. When he gets any kind of respiratory sickness he takes a shirt out and puts it on his night stand and blows his nose in it during the night. He says it’s cheaper and softer than tissues. (DeiselxBurna)
She drinks coffee while pooping. There’s something so gross about that to me, consuming something while also going to the toilet? Gives me shivers. (huurhuis)
We have a shoe rack. He has never used it. He prefers instead to discard his shoes in a semicircle around the front door like a booby trap for me, his incredibly clumsy fiancée. I love him even though my life is constantly at risk. (RealLockNessie)
She asks me to repeat almost everything I say and then when I start to repeat, she answers me, confirming that she actually heard me but doesnt take the time to process it. (glenzo1000)
She snored like an asthmatic wild boar with a 60 a day habit, it was disconcerting to say the least to see this pretty raven haired beauty cause the lampshades to vibrate. (Jimmyboro)
(ex) but it blew my mind that he was 37ish and still didn’t have a “spot” or “home” for his keys & wallet when he got home from work or wherever. He just randomly placed them in two separate random spots… Never the same spot… Panic ensued every single morning….Wild. (spacecadetpep)
She eats corn on the cob vertically. (Accidental_Shadows)
He leaves every light on. Never turns lights off when he leaves the room. I will come home and every light in the house is on. Not sure why he does it. (sm3llslik3m3anspiirit)
He makes up songs about everything he’s doing/seeing/thinking about. I know where he’s been in the apartment because he’ll make up a song about ketchup after he’s grabbed something from the fridge or he’ll sing a song about cerave while doing his skincare. The best part is that the thing he tends to make up silly songs about the most is me 🥰 I love him. (Former-Cat8735)
She crumples a shit load of toilet paper into a ball instead of folds over and goes through a roll or two a week. And says I don’t understand because I don’t have a vagina… (Usiris_23)
She eats Oreos by taking a tall glass and filling it about three quarters full of the cookies then she fills the glass with milk. She then waits about 5-10 minutes stirs it all into a slurry and eats it like a soup. (MrdnBrd19)
My partner makes quiet, sweet, happy sounds while eating and he doesn’t realise it unless I point it out. It’s almost like a hum. It’s super endearing. Apparently gorilla’s also do this. (betsyboombox)
My husband saves boxes because “it’s a good box.”-it’s like he’s somebody’s grandma. (Ok-Spare_2342)
He likes to give names to objects, our microwave is called Alfredo. (Aware_Type_6452)
She gets an itchy throat and ears so to scratch it she makes inward pig grunts with her throat while pulling her ear lobes down and finishing it of with a hock like shes spitting but it’s a vocal blkblkkblkkkbllkkk.. Its adorably weird. (paulxombie1331)
He cleans out his ears with q tips at the same time. Like, he grabs a q tip in each hand, then in tandem, puts them inside their respective ear, and cleans in the same mirrored motion. It’s the most unhinged thing I’ve witnessed live in my home. (Yallneedscience)
He takes off a single sock a couple of hours before going to bed. In those hours in between, he will walk around the house..with a single sock. Like a psycho. (issbound)
He wipes his butt standing up. (DreamBigFartLoud4evr)
She used to put her toothbrush back in the glass in such manner that it touched the mirror and smeared toothpaste onto the mirror locally. She did this for years and I was always making fun of it. At some point she stopped and now I kinda miss it.
Moral of the story: enjoy the little quirks of your partner while they last 😊 (fliescencheiber)
What weird things did you discover about your partner only after you moved in together?