‘If the Person Who Named Walkie Talkies Named Other Stuff’ Is the Best Thing You’ll Read All Day!

‘If the Person Who Named Walkie Talkies Named Other Stuff’ Is the Best Thing You’ll Read All Day!
We do love a good laugh over alternate names for things here at MLHQ. We’ve covered alternate names for animals here and here, and we’re still wondering why they didn’t call jetskis ‘boatercycles’ when they had the chance!
London firefighter Antonia Nicol has started a truly hilarious Twitter thread imagining what it would be like if the person who came up with the name for Walkie Talkies named a whole bunch of other stuff.
It’s quite amazing, honestly.
If the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything
Stamps = Lickie Stickie
Defibrillators = Hearty Starty
Bumble bees = Fuzzy Buzzy
Pregnancy test = Maybe Baby
Bra =Breastie Nestie
Fork= Stabby Grabby
Socks = Feetie Heatie
Hippo = Floatie Bloatie
Nightmare = Screamy Dreamy pic.twitter.com/vXyC4v8dUw— Antonia Nicol (@Flaminhaystack) March 25, 2018
The sheer genius of some of those prompted others to join in the fun. Here is a full list of our favourites:
Stamps = Lickie Stickie
Defibrillators = Hearty Starty
Bumble bees = Fuzzy Buzzy
Pregnancy test = Maybe Baby
Bra = Breastie Nestie
Fork = Stabby Grabby
Socks = Feetie Heatie
Hippo = Floatie Bloatie
Nightmare = Screamy Dreamy
G String = Peekie Cheekie
Parrots = Wordie Birdies
Autocorrect = Writey Righty
Vibrators = Shakie Snakie
Nude pics = Sexy Texty
Circumcision = Willy Nilly
Miniature sausage dog = Teenie Weenie
Comedian’s wages = Funny Money
Ambulance = Sendy mendy
Fire Engine = Flashy Dashy
Crypt = Roomy Tomby
Cat = Furry Purry
Dog = Fluffy Woofy
Vacuums = Pushy Sucky
Wishbone = Hopey Chokey
Halitosis = Deathy Breathy
Optometrist = Peeper Keeper
Postman = Letter Getter
Courier = Bringy Thingy
Boxing match = Mighty Fighty
Low fat desserts = Fakey Cakey
Lifejacket = Boaty Coaty or Floaty Coaty
Photo album = Lookie Bookie
Fur coat = Weary Hairy
Credit card = Lender Tender
Shot glass = Dinky Drinky
Barbecue = Meaty Heaty
Tanning Bed = Fakey Bakey
Firefighter = Flamey Tamey
First Aid Kit = Ouchie Pouchie
School = Brainy Trainy
Energy drink = Zippy Sippy
Coffee = Chirpy Slurpy
Wasps = Wingy Stingy
Glue = Quicky Sticky
Bed = Dozy Cosy
Snooze button = Sleepy Beepy
Training bra = Newbie booby
Which one is your favourite? Will you be adding a few of these to your vocabulary too?
Source: Twitter/Antonia Nicol