PSA: If You Are Guilty of Doing This at the Beach, You’re Officially ‘A Flog!’

The school holidays are in full swing, and there’s nothing better than packing a picnic, loading the kids into the car, and hitting your local beach for a spot of much-needed rest and relaxation. Or…at least, that’s how it used to be.
But, according to some disgruntled beachgoers, there are some selfish and entitled people spoiling it for others with their rude and obnoxious behaviour.
In a recent Reddit thread, an annoyed Aussie took to the internet to complain about the anti-social trend that’s sucking the joy out of a day out at the beach. According to Kremm0 taking a “massive hifi sized speaker to a packed beach” is “an ultimate flog move.”
“If you’re considering bringing it to a packed Melbourne beach, consider the following:
- Everyone around you will probably think you have terrible taste in music.
- It’s really annoying if people around you just want to relax, read or sleep
- Even the people on jetski’s don’t like you
- Headphones are cheaper and you can keep your extra special rap or dance mix to yourself”
Commenters were quick to agree, pointing out that it happens in other public places too like parks and on public transport.
“There’s certainly a bit of a problem with what’s considered polite, or the “done thing” in Australian society at the moment. Similar issues on trains like people vaping. I’m not sure the solution but people complain about being over policed on some issues, and things that are annoying/impolite being under policed.” (Ric0chet)
“There’s a great book called Assholes about these people.
They most likely feel they have a complete right to do this, and simply do not acknowledge that others might feel differently.” (Supersnazz)
“Yes! I don’t know why this is becoming more common, but I say this without exaggeration, everyone who assumes that others want to listen to their music in a public place IS WRONG and can proceed directly to the bin.
You can buy a shitty pair of headphones at the supermarket for $10, try fucking using them instead of inflicting your shit taste in music, TikTok videos etc on the general population.” (littleb3anpole)
But not everyone agreed. One commenter offered a different perspective.
“I agree about the stupidly big speakers some people have, but imho there’s nothing wrong with playing music on a speaker in a public park or beach if
you’re in a group of more than 2 people,
you don’t blast it unnecessarily loudly, only just loudly enough for the people sitting around it to hear the music clearly.
public spaces are for the public to use, and no one is obligated to be quiet in public, just considerate of the people around them. “(horriblyefficient)
What do you think? Is it ever okay to play music in a public place? Or should people who want to listen to music use headphones?