Why Laughing Cow Triangles Are a Must-Have for Kids’ Lunchboxes

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If your social media feed is chock full of the smiling faces of children smartly dressed in their brand spanking new uniforms on their first day back at school, spare a moment’s thought for the person behind the camera. They are likely in a whirlpool of emotions right now. Relief that the school holidays have finally come to an end, excitement at what the new school year will hold for their child, and a deep and utter dread at the idea of having to make school lunches every day again!
No? Just me?
Between finding snacks that your child actually wants to eat, and ensuring they get the teacher’s tick of approval for being healthy, preparing lunchboxes can feel like a drag. No one wants to unpack the barely touched lunchbox that their grumpy, ravenous offspring hands them at the school gate, do they? We want to pack them off knowing they’ve got nutritious snacks on hand to power their little bodies and brains through a busy day of learning and playing at school. Which is why I’m a huge fan of Laughing Cow cheese triangles. Not only have my children never met a Laughing Cow cheese triangle that they didn’t like (or immediately wolfed down), the individually wrapped portions make them perfect for adding to lunchboxes.
Why My Family Love Laughing Cow Cheese Triangles
When it comes down to why my kids love Laughing Cow cheese triangles let’s face it, it boils down to one thing – the taste! There is also something intrinsically enjoyable about unwrapping the little triangles of creamy, cheesy goodness too, but predominantly it’s about the taste. Unlike me, they couldn’t give two hoots about the nutritional value – food just needs to taste good!
I on the other hand, do care what they stuff into their little cakeholes. I love that Laughing Cow cheese triangles are a tasty source of calcium, are made from real cream and cheese, and have a 5-star health rating.
Another great thing about them is that they don’t contain any artificial preservatives or colours, which is especially important for parents who are looking to minimise additives in their child’s diet.
Ways to Incorporate Laughing Cow Cheese Triangles into Your Child’s Lunchbox
The beauty of Laughing Cow cheese triangles is that they are perfectly packaged to go into your child’s lunchbox exactly as they are. You can enjoy them straight from the pack. No mess, no fuss! But they are also versatile enough to be incorporated into more creative snacks and can be a great way to encourage your child to eat other healthy snack options such as chopped veggies like carrot sticks, capsicum sticks, and cucumber slices. Even fruit tastes better when it’s dipped in the soft and creamy cheese triangles!
This snack pack that we recently took on a picnic to the beach was quickly scoffed down!
My kids cannot get enough of celery – it’s something to do with the crunch factor! So ‘ants on a log’ is a firm lunchbox favourite. What could be simpler than spreading the Laughing Cow cheese into the hollow of the celery sticks and topping with sultanas?
Another fun way to pack them into your child’s lunchbox is to thread them, along with some fruit, veg, and a source of protein, onto sticks to make little kebobs. You can keep things interesting by using different food combos each day. I prefer to leave the cheese triangles in their wrapper so the lunchbox stays mess-free and my kids get the satisfaction of unwrapping their favourite cheese, but you can unwrap them and thread them onto the sticks when you pack the lunchbox if your child prefers.
But the pièce de resistance has to be my fruity cheesecake smoothie! Simply whizz up some frozen fruit of choice (strawberries, blueberries, mango, etc), with a banana, some milk, and 1 or 2 cheese triangles in a blender, and voila. You’ve made the most delicious smoothie that tastes like cheesecake! Add some honey or maple syrup for added sweetness if required.
This can be poured into a thermos and packed in your child’s lunchbox to be enjoyed during the school day.
So, there you have it! Don’t wallow in the doldrums over the fact you’re back to making school lunches again. Spread the laughter with the Laughing Cow!
Discover more delicious ideas on how Laughing Cow can elevate your snacks and lunchboxes here.