Man Expects Internet to Back Him Over Whose Job it is to Refill the Nappy Bag and is Very Disappointed!

Man Expects Internet to Back Him Over Whose Job it is to Refill the Nappy Bag and is Very Disappointed!
As any parent will tell you, it is impossible to travel light when you have a baby or toddler in tow. Even a short trip to the local supermarket for dinner supplies has to be expertly timed around the little persons sleep schedule and you have to pack a whole host of essential items ‘just in case.’ When it comes to essential items that may be needed at ANY MOMENT, a nappy is right up there near the top., along with wipes and even a change of clothes…’just in case!” Not having a nappy when one is needed can completely derail any plans, as one dad recently found when he took out his young daughter for a few hours. Taking to Reddit to solve the argument over who was at fault over the mishap, the dad explains.;
So I (M35) took the baby (F2) out the other day whilst my wife (F35) was at work. I am prepared for several hours out of the house, snack, juice, books (Don’t Mess with Duck which I highly recommend) etc.. I grab the nappy bag, throw it in the pram and leave.
We go to the pub for a spot of lunch, we read a story, I drink some of my pint and then the baby poo’s. No problem, I threw the nappy bag into the pram.
I go through said bag and there are no nappies.
It’s 21⁰C outside, she is in a dress and I have promised the park. I am panicking. There are trousers in the bag, do I just bang them on and style it out? Do we sack off the park and go home? DonI just deal with that meltdown?
Luckily the pub have nappies in the changing room and I bang her in some tight fitting neonatal nappies and we head for the park.
When I get home, my wife gets annoyed at me for not checking the bag before leaving. My standpoint: if you use the last nappy, you should replenish the bag and the nappy bag is a grab bag. She thinks I am the ashole for not checking, I think she is the ashole for not replenishing the nappy supply in the bag when she uses the last one.
So reddit, AITA?
Commenters on the thread were quick to point out to the dad that the responsibility for checking that he has all supplies needed for the outing was in fact on him!
YTA. Don’t blame her because you didn’t check the nappy bag for nappies. We all know a nappy bag with no nappies is just a bag. I agree with you that if you use the last nappy you should add nappies. But you’re the one who left with a nappyless nappybag. YOU should’ve checked. Next time, nappy up – all by yourself. You can do it! I believe in you! – lookingformiles
“I was inconvenienced whilst babysitting my own child, and it made enjoying my beer more difficult when the default parent failed to tee everything up for me ahead of time.” Truer sentiments were never better expressed by the non-default parent. OP, you got me right in the gut and now my emotional load is hurting. – Cant_Handle_This4eva
Your wife was not home when she used the last one (such is the nature of a nappy bag), so refilling it is not a thing.
Planning and preparing the bag for each outing is however the thing. YTA – Zigwaldo
Absolutely. You have no idea what she was doing when she got home last time. Double check before you leave – not just that their are nappies, but that their are wipes, change of clothes, and anything/everything else you might want/need while out.
FFS, yes YTA. You were *NOT* ‘prepared’ – and that’s on you.
Rather than doubling down and getting cranky at the ‘Asshole’ status he was awarded, OP updated his post to say “I should have checked the bag. I get it. It is my fault, thanks guys. I will apologise when she gets home from work.”
Well done Dad! We have a feeling you won’t be making that mistake again any time soon!