People Share the Unspoken Rules of Their Home That Might Seem Weird to Outsiders

Does your family have any peculiar unspoken rules that everyone just knows they must follow? Do you all take part in something that has become second nature, that would appear strange to outsiders? You might think you’re all perfectly normal until you read some of the things that other people have shared and realise that your family does something similar!
If someone is voluntarily doing a chore, no one shall tell them how to do it differently unless damage is going to be incurred. If unsolicited advice is given without the intent to actively roll up sleeves and help, the task then belongs to the giver of the unsolicited advice. (WeirdBogWitch)
When I was a kid, we had the “Bernie” rule. Whoever had the worst manners at dinner was “Bernie” (short for St. Bernard like the big messy dog) and had to do the dishes.
One time my brother farted at the table and my dad proclaimed, “You are Bernie. Nobody can take that from you tonight.” So I decided to test that proclamation. I proceeded to put my feet on the table, and that night I learned that there could actually be two Bernies and we both had to clean the kitchen. (Diiiiirty)
Winner of a board game is charged with putting said game away. (cszack4)
When you use the last paper towel from the roll you have to take the cardboard tube and yell “do-ta-do” in it and then give it to the dog when he comes running so he can shred it! (KelMel8417)
We have an unspoken rule, if a pet chooses you to sit on/with, other family members will get you things you need in order to not disturb the pet. (ughfinethisusername)
No sound on when using a device, phone / iPad etc, in the living room.
No exceptions. Visitors included. Both of our Mum’s are the most flagrant breakers of the rule and get a lot of stick from our kids (teens and older) when they do. (bungle_bogs)
My mother was an English teacher, and the rule in our house growing up was that if you had less than 50 pages left in your book, you were exempt from chores until you finished. Another rule was that your bedtime was extended half an hour if you were reading a book. (That-Grape-5491)
The dinner table “Dumb Joke of the Day” rule.
When I was a child my father would tell a dumb joke at dinner every night. It was probably one of my best memories from an otherwise plain vanilla WASP suburbs childhood.
I did the same with my kids. Then when the internet was becoming more of a popular resource, I tasked each of my kids to take turns bringing a really dumb joke. It truly made dinner fun, because jokes are like potatoe chips – You can’t have just one. 🙂 And dumb jokes are frequently very funny in their own unique way.
Now many decades later these jokes have become a highlight of family gatherings as my adult children recall their favorites from the past 35 years. They too do it with their kids!
They also still text me stupid jokes when they find them. It keeps them in touch in a nice way.
Goofy, but it really worked well in a huge way for us. (Airplade)
If you tell me you can’t find something after I’ve told you EXACTLY WHERE IT IS, and I walk over there and find it EXACTLY WHERE I TOLD YOU IT WAS, I get to hit you with it. (Shytemagnet)
Our grandfather would occasionally at random times hand us cash. If you asked “what’s that for?”, he would take it back and say “if you have to ask you must not need it.” (Snoo74600)
If you fail to check for toilet paper before sitting down to number two, I will get it for you, but it will be thrown through the door as hard as humanly possible. Multiple rolls, Ideally at your head.
My kids now do this to each other too. I smile inside every time I hear screams from the toilet downstairs.
I hope it becomes a tradition handed down over many generations. (blamedolphin)
Where do you want to go for dinner? How about place A? If you say no, then you have to suggest another place. You can’t just shoot down all the ideas. (Crazy-4-Conures)
In our household, the unwritten rule is that you must perform a full interpretive dance routine to earn the right to use the TV remote. It keeps the peace and provides nightly entertainment. (Purplepunnkkk)
Everyone at home must instantly drop what they are doing and run to the kitchen when groceries arrive. One person to help empty the car and everyone else starts putting stuff away. A text will be sent when the driver is close to home- all hands on deck! (Noninvasive)
Money found in the laundry while doing it is rightfully yours. Lol (Emma_RadiateGaze)
Sheep sounds are used for echolocation. When a family member comes home it gives off a loud “baaaah!”, the others reply “baaaah!”. Everyone instantly knows where the others are. (dynamitfiske)
If you have put on your tracky dacks on the weekend, you have decided that you’re not doing anything/going anywhere that day. You are a potato.
It’s the Track Pants Rule and it is law. (Gryffindorphins)
What unspoken rules does your family follow that others might consider strange?